
I can’t argue with you, but I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Maybe writers that cover college sports should accept that yes, some athletes do plan on doing something other than sports when they graduate so they have other committments they need to attend to.  Also, unless the reporters want to pay the students for their time...

I thought we were already in it.

I like Dune. It is probably my favorite book of all time, or second behind Keep the Aspidistra Flying. I have mixed feelings about this and I’m cautiously optimistic. Yes, it is very dense, and there’s a lot that you COULD include. But, there’s also a lot that can probably be excised without missing much. I know Smithe

Often overlooked is Zathura, which not nearly as popular as Jumanji, has much better special effects done using practical effects and not the CGI that Jumanji was done with, which have not aged particularly well.

I was trying to thinking of something thoughtful to say about this, but instead:

This should be the default response to the out-of-control patriotism running rampant.

What border is he going to secure?  Keeping Floridians out of Georgia?

I live less than half a mile from an interstate in what I refer to as super-rural (it’s not quite the suburbs, but it’s a little more than rural).  There are no noise abatements along the stretch of roadway other than natural hills and trees.  We can hear the interstate just fine.  I run along a very rural road, and

This is the problem with corporations these days. All they are intereted in is making money for their stockholders. They have been permitted to operate this way. And nobody can prevent them from doing so because of the essential monopoly they have on long distance travel. The only body that could, Congress,

Inside the truck, police recovered a gun belt, a handgun, and several magazines.

The Nationals are an underachieving team...

Hedge funds should be illegal. Employees and customers should be allowed to sue companies for breach of their fiduciary duty,  not just shareholders.  There's a reckoning that's coming 

Fuck Fox News, and while I might say that in my head a lot, I don’t put it down in writing often, but fuck them. Mr. Rogers Neighborhood might be the last great children’s TV show. (Oh, sure Sesame Street is still going, but it’s a shell of itself, and Blue’s Clues was great) But it allowed kids to be able to be

To me, it’s a one-note joke that at a base level is funny, but nothing really more beyond that. I liked the first season, and I would have been fine with it if it was jsut that, but kids loved it (fine, I’m not that upset that it entertains kids) so Cartoon Network kept it going.  While I think most people don’t like

And the gutting of an indepedent press continues, existing only to serve their wealthy overlords.

Thank you for your service.

It’s one of those things that when we do it, it’s OK, but when somebody else does it, it’s bad. For some reason, people expect the anthem before the games as though it were part of the games. If you’re a doctor, do you start each day with the anthem? If you’re a skipjack, do you start each day with the anthem? Then

Kyrgyzstan as well.  Bishkek or bust!

Isn’t “playing for the Mets” and “on the disabled list” synonomous?