“ childrens toys” lol tell that to the literal billions of people who use bikes every single day to get to school (college), work, etc.
“ childrens toys” lol tell that to the literal billions of people who use bikes every single day to get to school (college), work, etc.
An awful lot of cyclists only want some of the rules of the road to apply to them, which is a problem.
I hear car drivers are just peaches when they have to wait for five seconds behind a cyclist despite having just waited for 20 minutes in line at Starbucks.
or perhaps they are always having their lives endangered by assholes like you
Kalamazoo is banking on the good nature of humans in general.
I can confirm your statement.
Branson is an astronaut in much the same way Erik is a journalist.
Erik gets paid whenever someone comments about how insubstantial his posts are. Congrats, you just bought him dinner!
Really? I continue to wonder why is Erik Shilling still employed by this blog? I’ve yet to see anything of substance related to the automotive world (or plane/boat lopnik), in any of his writing. It’s all emotional psychobabble. I get the feeling he’s using us a cheap therapy outlet, instead of paying for the help he…
I am starting to dislike this sandwich’s existence because it comes out and I can’t just enjoy a 4pc spicy and a double-sized tub of red beans n’ rice without donning riot gear and waiting all day.
Worse part is that the workers don’t really make more money from all these extra work. Maybe in the form of overtime, but still, not enough.
Good, I didn’t want to have to see the McClatcher vomiting the football into the mouths of its young after a successful return.
Comments like this are why I still get on the internet
I’d love to see this play with commentary by Richard Attenborough:
If you’re roasting and carving, don’t forget the oyster. It goes right at the top of the list.
Today I learned Michael is from Missouri because who the fuck else puts trash-ass ranch on wings?
You say stupidity, I say calculated, agenda-driven bullshit.
Especially not a blonde, Barbie-looking type who will get more tips from a certain crowd as long as she wears the right top.
I have binders full o’ staff at Mickey D’s that we can cherry pick for you right now for your fast food establishment!! Said a headhunter to no one, ever.
Yeah, I’m marveling at all of those head-hunters prowling around city McDonalds looking for that extra special guy who still manages to have a clean shirt at the end of the day.