
You should be tolerant of my intolerance!”

There’s a poster I’m not bringing out of the greys that claims AOC is being investigated for Campaign Finance Violations.

“anyone with less than half a functioning brain.”

Please oh please oh PLEASE let me run into one of these fucks flashing this bullshit. I really want to punch a nazi.

Of course it’s viewed as “harmless” to a white person who’s never felt the ill effects of racism. 

Found him!

The [Cubs] added that they will not release the name of the fan to the public.”

I had no idea this was a thing.  I want my ignorance back.  Fuck 4chan.

Because it’s still not keeping up with inflation.

C’mon, you don’t remember that meme?

Yeah, as soon as the assholes in flyover country and the Deep South figure out that the Republicans are giving them a screwing for the ages no matter how many brown people they screw harder.

No idea where to go from here. It’s been this hard getting some people to accept $15/hour was fine. even if that does happen, it’s not going to be sufficient for much of the country and anyone who asks for more will be greeted with “what, you said $15 was good, now that isn’t enough?

Perhaps the elimination of whichever system enabled Bezos to amass a fortune of more than $100 billion by treating his workforce like garbage

Someone will always complain. I’m not sure a single person account is the best way to cover a change this large.

These are all about piloting a vehicle of some sort or another.

They couldn't at least have gone with "U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi"?

I assume with 99% certainty:

He doesn’t recall posting that tweet, but he’ll believe you if you say he did.

That fucking “Epitome of a team player” tweet is nearly as rage-inducing as the video. Fuck that guy.

As a professional who aspires to start his own brewery... This is a popular cheat in homebrewing to falsify wood-aged beer. The fact that this is illegal for microbrewing is ridiculous.