That horse is me, trying to keep my composure, when they say the Thanksgiving pies are ready to serve.
That horse is me, trying to keep my composure, when they say the Thanksgiving pies are ready to serve.
For those curious or blindsided by this, there was a canary in the coal mines earlier in the day before this announcement, specifically square did their earnings report and lost 33 million dollars in half a year and the director of FFXV’s personal sub studio they just made for him, was going to “Be changing…
The highlight reel should only show the cursing done after the player has been assessed one or two violations. What’s rare, even for emotional, aggressive, half-mental men and women in tennis is for those players to continue to push the umpire when they know they’re going to lose a point or game.
The weird knee thing only happens in Joe Theismann mode.
Except they’re not using Twitter for customer support...they’re using Twitter to make important CS-related announcements like the tweet above...
I think FE sold well from Awakening onward was for the marriage options (waifu/husbando stuff). I couldn’t stand the stories of Fire Emblem Fates, yet it sold well as it capitalized on the marriage options.
As a baseball fan, I’ve gotten used to people saying a lack of a cap has made baseball so imbalanced (“it’s so boring the Yankees win like every year”). I find it hilarious that the salary cap, which supposedly is to “preserve competative balance,” directly resulted in making the NBA so top-heavy.
the witcher 3 is not trash.
All Day I Dream About Sanctions
David, not long ago Sexy Star issued her press release of the incident:
I remember when Buff Bagwell cut a promo on Steiner
This article lead me down a rabbit hole. Join me in bliss.
For those curious enough to dig into it like myself, the Promotion is apparently Singapore Pro Wrestling. They have a few videos on youtube if you want to check some of their stuff out:
Haha yeah, don’t worry Ryuji, we’re only on a busy Shibuya overpass right now.
Pictured: Kooko22
I’ve mentioned this very point on an earlier thread about this topic. I’m very big on comedy and slice of life, so compared to Summer and Fall 2016, Winter 2017 is a major improvement for me.
Cecilia, as much as I generally respect your opinions as a reviewer, I have to disagree with the statement that this season is an anime Desert. I would like to counterpoint that It isn’t, it’s just one of those seasons that caters more specifically to one type of anime fan: the Comedy/Slice of Life fan. If you aren’t…
Shoutouts to the Gabriel DropOut fans. That show is hilarious.
I can make trump disappear...