
both of the "motherfuckers" quoted above are actually "y'alls."

/High fives

Treadmill: COME ON DOWN!!

And the Cowboys lost?! Sad day for Duke fans. Yankees baseball season can't come soon enough.

Hopefully the coach will be a little more specific in the future when he calls for the runs.

Are we sure @MyTweetsRealAF is not Kobe himself?

Here at Deadspin we generally assume that our readers are at least somewhat intelligent people. A lot of other sites dumb down content or write for an audience of morons: we don't do that. But because we've gotten at least one dumbass e-mail, and some dumbass comments and tweets, I'm going to explain why what Ed

In Green's defense, it can be difficult to keep one's shit together while waiting for curry to pass.

Washington gave up more for RG3 than my son did for your sins.

Cory efferson.

I am sick of people saying "the wrong side of thirty." There is nothing wrong ...

"Football is reflexive. You program your body to perform certain functions through repetition, increasing the likely hood of pulling them off in a game. It's not unlike training your mage to level 5 and developing the skills that come with such classification. A DPS caster who specializes in spells and burst damage

I'm not surprised someone from Boston thinks they all look alike.

or whether the NBA will stop opposing New Jersey's law.

Did that.... did that just knock her head off?

I'm not trying to clown Derrick Rose

INTERVIEWER: Michael, you've really taken a shining to golf in retirement. Would I be correct in assuming that we'll be seeing you a lot out on the golf course?