
Agreed, a lot of people assume their home values only go up. People in the US are shocked when they go to sell and find out that their home value has gone down.

I don’t know if its just the performance aspect, Tesla was also the first to create an EV that didn’t look like..... an EV. The model s didn’t look derpy or quirky but sexy and sleek, something completely different from what we had seen.

Most people’s exposure to “autopilot” is Sci Fi movies where the person can set it then walk to the back of the ship and have a “team meeting”.

I think she is “reading the room”. The problem is at her wealth and status level, that room is extremely different than any room we would associate with or any of her fan base would.

I have never seen anyone more committed to tainting their own legacy and turning off their fanbase than her. I think she is fortunate

I would bet you see a lot of people making 30k-40k a year with a 30-35K+ car note

I find it ironic that cops always push the notion of communities policing themselves and having a neigboorhood watch, yet they refuse to condem or police their own.

Police weren’t here for NFL players kneeling, why should we be here for them doing it now?

I think its incredibly strange that white people will claim they fear for their lives while at the same time agressivly standing their ground when their is a clear option to leave.

Any one who says they dont see color is:

Yeah the tough thing with anticipating a crowd splitting is there is always at least one person who cant react or freezes in the moment. Judging by the video at least 1 person completley froze instead of running to the side

I think the big issue is it sounds like he broke through a barrier that was meant to keep people from driving though the protest. 

I am sure they’ll be fine. Has clothing selling on multiple platforms like amazon.

I was thinking as a real estate agent she needed to distance herself from this situation ASAP. Her brand would be associated with this, and with so many agents to choose from, her referrals would and probably still will take a hit.

Imagine watching your car barreling towards an object in the road on autopilot and saying “ fuck it, I am gonna let the car avoid this. If I die a die, but I am gonna let the car try and go around it.” instead of simply stopping the car yourself and taking the 100% guarantee you dont get into an accident......

I am trying to figure out how a “ driver prepared to take over the wheel” didnt do so when he saw the human in the road waving at him

Not sure how you can blame tesla for this one. There was an obstacle in the road and a person waved at the driver to try and get him to stop. Assuming the driver was paying attention, I am not sure why the driver didnt just take over and stop the car.

If a recall, that pod messed up Air Jaws last year for shark week.

Well considering cops in every cop show ( live PD, Cops) always say “ my number one priority is to go home to my family alive”.

Yeah asking other black bystanders to step in probably been a bad idea.

Yes they do