They picked up the adopted son for content. Eventually it got to the point that they didnt want to deal with him for the content and since he was adopted apparently there is a return policy?
They picked up the adopted son for content. Eventually it got to the point that they didnt want to deal with him for the content and since he was adopted apparently there is a return policy?
I am actually wondering if this kid or his new parents could come back and sue these people for the money they made off of videos using him. I would imagine the kid has some right to that money. Normally it wouldn’t matter since its his parents and their gain would benefit him, but in this case, they will continue to…
Seems to me like she used him to build a brand and a channel but now that the bag is “secure” she doesnt want to put up with the day to day hardship.
It wont do anything but make her feel like a victim and that her whole life was ruined by a “black man”.
I think there scary thing is probably up until this moment, she probably would have called herself an “ Ally”.
Minnesota did go to trial the last time an officer killed a person.....however it was a minority officer killing a white woman which may have been an extremely important factor as to why it was pushed through so quickly. Not to mention I believe the union sold the other guy out faster than any other officer I have…
I suggest giving it a try. I think it plays better than black out.
Idk I really like the gulag mechanic because its different.
My assumption is they are doing what call of duty does, create and rotate modes until they find modes that people enjoy the most. My guess is they are checking numbers right now to see what people are most into
It’s easier for white women to have a conversation about animal abuse and focus on that as the reason why someone is a terrible person than to have a conversation about race.
I think making them mandatory at the gym would be easier than a store, as people who want to go to the gym may be a bit more likely to adhere since the gym is definitely a privilege and not something like a grocery store.
Yeah i do mostly weights so I could probably get away with it. I stay far away from the cardio area as I imagine it’s just droplet city over there with all the heavy breathing.
My thought was that now is probably the best time to serve a sentence career wise, as I doubt too many shows are being shot right now. Not a great time to be in jail, but I 100% believe covid probably just saved them from real jail time
She is probably ok. The world is on hold right now and I doubt too many lifetime shows are still shooting. So its not like she is missing out on too much work.
The scariest part of this is the fact that without the recording, this guy very well could have ended up in cuffs
She was so threatened, that she actively walked toward him......
They wouldn’t care. They would simply just blame it on the other people for not taking their own “precautions”
This is key.
Actually not a bad idea. I am sure there are a number of bouncers looking for work now that the night clubs are shut down. Might not be a bad gig throwing out or stoping non mask wearers at the door.
So at what point does all this get kind of “weird”? When she turns 20?