
I know its not the definition, but I always looked at being “rich” means you make a lot being “ wealthy” means you have a lot 

definitely would make quite the statement at prom

Depreciation is so bad on the 3 series even thieves don’t want it

I don’t think people are being critical because it’s hurting them. I think people are being critical of someone who uses sex appeal as a large part of their marketing to a younger demographic, but complains that that demographic doesn’t see past her looks.

yup, first and largest business expense I had was hiring an accounting

Everyone thinks it couldn’t possibly happen to them until it does. Ultimately the fault can be on no one but the parent.

You can do that now in most newer vehicles I belive

I have never understood why people can’t just leave nature alone and observe from a distance. Here we have companies working to make better and better smartphone cameras yet people still feel they need to be half a foot away from a bison for an Instagram worthy pic.

Just avoid Teslas and Ferraris and you should be good

I think we are getting an interesting dynamic in the comments section.

Yeah the people who set up a “ home base” then gather equipment are bad, however, we have people at my gym who will try to do circuits of 3-5 machines and want to keep other people from using them. Had someone come running from across the gym to tell me they were using a machine even though they were in another part

I always liked the how many sets question over the mind if I work in. Usually, people are more responsive to the how many sets question and usually the work in question gets a no

Yup, I have heard of people calling ubers to go to the hospital since it’s way cheaper than an ambulance, even if you have to pay the detail fee

This is must be apart of the trend of people using ride share apps to go to the hospital in an emergency because it’s cheaper than an ambulance.

People are more likely to film an incident with their phone than call for help with it

I am worried about that, but I am also worried that forgiveness doesn’t really teach us the lessons we need to learn about paying off debt. When you pay off the debt you learn how to make a budget and pay it off.

Agreed, parents need to be willing and able to challenge their kids on their majors and remind them that there is a large debt looming. My parents talked to me about how much I would need to make to pay off my potential loans in a reasonable amount of time and that got me to select a different school.

I think we should tell our kids to go to a “realistically affordable” school. Look at public instate schools vs outstate schools and makes sure that our kids go to school and make a plan of what they are going to do after school.

You can tell usually when a fight has reached the level that something may happen. At that point, I usually call. I once had a couple that was fighting across the hall and I called security but not 911 even though I could hear it may have gotten physical. When security showed up the lady officer noted the woman had

Why wouldn’t you just call about him being noisy especially if you don’t feel comfortable addressing him directly