Yeah, but the last time the X-Men WEREN’T convoluted was roughly 40 years ago. At this point it’s almost a part of the brand.
Yeah, but the last time the X-Men WEREN’T convoluted was roughly 40 years ago. At this point it’s almost a part of the brand.
1. I don’t think that’s Doctor Strange. It only kind of looks like him and I believe the artist confirmed on Twitter that it wasn’t him. There is a good theory that “Sandman in the Marvel universe” means Hickman is going to be writing about Cosmic Abstracts, though, so that could be the avatar of Eternity.
These are comedy movies. Don’t be shocked if the Wolvie is but a cameo.
The Cerritos crew unexpectedly spends a day on Deep Space Nine
It will really make me happy if the Lower Deckers meet and piss off Kira
Without hearing even a single line of dialogue from him?
What are you basing this on?
The Cerritos docks at Deep Space Nine
Coverage of bo9th the Hugos and Nebullas has been very spotty the last few years. If it isn’t a low budget horror film or based on a comic book, then it might not get noticed by io9.
Okay Spanfeller, you herb, you win. You’ve wrecked this site beyond recognition. Do you recognize any names up there? How about Charlie Jane and Annalee, the founders of this damn site. This site is supposed to be about science fiction in all media, but the reporters are now so inept that they can’t report on the fucki…
Sigh. Okay, fine.
Not really. It’s a show about a comic book. Your issue is taking this shit way to seriously. Personally I think we are way over due for twerking super heroes
What a reasonable, empathetic response to a throwaway scene on a superhero show.
While I am ambivalent to the whole scene (I just don’t get the appeal), I’m also more than willing to admit and acknowledge that *MY* ambivalence does not in any capacity diminish the appeal of it for the audience to whom it does appeal. And to that part of the show’s audience, I happily and sincerely say, “Enjoy!” (wi…
Nah I think knowing which certain subsection they’re part of is all the context you need.
So we’re just going to ignore that she was the team lead on one of the greatest comics ever published?
DC does the human/metahuman distinction. Marvel tends to call anyone, powered or not, human unless genetically distinct (mutant, inhuman, etc)
Ok so if you are saying they didnt market it well, then there is a story right there!
Wait you are saying that Sandman wasnt trending enough to do pieces about it?
maybe i missed it or it was on AV club, but i only saw the slide show “things liked/ didn’t like” and a piece on how accurate it would be to compared to comic. I don’t recall a spoiler discussion. I don’t know how hard it would be to get interviews with cast members. While i never clicked on it I will say having that…