
And you just proved my point.

Ehh, once Giz has decided a thing is bad, it’ll always be bad.

There’s a non-zero chance that the cat is the real brains behind the operation.

There are ways to help with climate change action. For the most part, these ones aren’t helping at all. They’re basically the opposite side, a warped mirror, of the Greta Thunberg-Andrew Tate tweet debacle.

meanwhile to the average person this made no difference and maybe even did the opposite of what they wanted, instead of bringing attention to their cause it just made them look like morons, yea lets ruin classic pieces of Art? cause that has anything to do with climate change and not just being a climate activist

Clickbait. The title could have simply been “D&D will use “species” instead of “race”.

Good to know you think I should have gotten 10 years of post graduate training where I was paid much less than minimum wage then worked 70 hours a week treating people with cancer for free. I guess I wasn’t delivering a valuable service to my community and wasted my life.

obviously the engineers running spellcheck have checked out

Please learn to write. I understand comments are “informal”, but you’re an actual writer. Be professional. Sheesh.

Then i feel bad for the players/gm if the world is so bland from start to finish.

“Being paid by Gizmodo” is something most people actively leave off their resumes.

jesus christ, i woud hate to be in a game with you as a player or as a gm lol “welcome to my world, where no one has any negative thoughts or feelings and the bad guy just needs a hug but you cant hug him because that would violate his safe space, figure that one out team”

White knight to the rescue. Wow yeah women and men are biologically the same and they’re maximum strength is the same that’s why we see world’s weightlifting records being shattered by all these women and there are so many intergender leagues at the peak level of performance. Anyone can draw any outrage from any

It must be nice to have so few problems in life to be able to devote time and effort into something like this. In the 80's D&D was supposedly turning people into satanists, now it’s supposedly turning them into racists. Progress?

Italian pizza tends to be a specific kind of pizza. I’d think an American pizza chain could make it if they advertised something dissimilar to that, like pan pizza or Detroit-style pizza.

Pizza was not “invented” by or in Italy. Pizza might be a word with Italian origins, but the food itself is thousands of years old. Italy as a country has existed for only about 150 years.

Can the next layoff be the person who decided that unusable slideshows on this site were a good idea

In case folks aren’t aware, audio drama podcasts are an under-the-radar but growing place to find some darn solid fan fiction.

Gods I hope they do!

This particular woman is just as toxic as the patriarchy. This isn’t a story about good guys vs. bad guys.