
So basically you are saying a rich person is like every other rich person on the planet?

This catphobia is a blight upon America, the cat is innocent until proven guilty I tell you!

Meh, at least he’s never said Nazis are very fine people.

I find it amusing that this site is now calling Joker movie reporting moral panic when they were deliberately attacking the Joker movie in part of the same wave of moral panic when it came out.

I think this is going to look like a mix of the Solyndra witch hunts and the Benghazi witch hunts personally.

1) At least I’m not actively eliminating sympathy for the cause I claim to champion.

Yeah, nothing brings the masses to support an issue like trying to destroy classic pieces of art. Big oil will rue the day it crossed people defacing the beloved artwork of European nations!

“Some had zero engineerings maintaining them.”

Which ironically seems like a victory here as this site, most people on it (me included) and frankly so much of humanity hates twitter.

You mean like gold and silver?

Potato, potahto ..... lol

Silver isn’t pure evil. One of the best things about Cobra Kai is the introduction of moral ambiguity.

If we’re talking about constructive criticism I would agree with you.

Why bother with profits, this is about.... telling off a company!

Only if you don’t believe facts matter.

The only thing more revolting than your sick fantasizing about my sex life is the idea of you sending some random pics of people you either found online or photographed without consent to me.

Keep telling yourself that, in non-deranged society it is not remotely common to refer to strangers whose ages you don’t know as son.

Yes, their is a world of difference between obsessively commenting on imaginings about a total strangers sex life and pointing out someone is obviously lying about having kids. If it is usual in your community to obsess about the sex lives of total strangers you have my sympathies, that’s pretty horrible.

Nope, my pointing out you lied about having kids is in no way creepy.

The only mention you made of my “syntax” was claiming that wherever you live it is apparently normal to refer to strangers whose age you don’t know as son. But thanks for the straw man.