
Rightly criticized?

Eunuchs, dragons, blood magic and curses....which of these things is not like the other?

Of course, just never think five minutes ahead. If it feels good, do it.

Put funding into abortion clinics in states where it is still legal.

How is this a grift?

People are calling him an attention seeking drama queen because the shoe fits.

Well, I am glad to say you are wrong.

Thanks for showcasing that slow wit of yours, keep it up.

Only if you promise to keep being as slow witted as you have been up to now.

Yet again you demonstrate what, in your slow witted mind, passes for a witty rejoinder.

Wow, admitting you are wrong, finally you have said something correct. For you, that actually counts as an accomplishment.

And you seem like someone who revels in their poor reasoning skills and lack of comprehension. Which is sad.

Ok, that was pretty fun. You trying to deny you have a slow mind and poor reasoning skills by implying you were just trolling me; while having previously dismissed my responses by claiming I am a troll! The sad part is, you are clearly not smart enough to appreciate the irony.

That is pretty funny coming from someone who thinks “I’m rubber and you’re glue” is a witty rejoinder.

You are confusing lack of interest with lack of ability. Your poor reasoning skills prevent you from forming well thought out opinions, or making intelligent comments. Your ineptitude cannot be attributed to a supposed lack of interest.

The sad part is, given your demonstrably poor comprehension skills. That is likely the closest thing to a witty rejoinder that you are capable of.

Anytime loser.

I am glad that after a lot of clarification my rather simple point finally made sense to you.

The entire first season was almost entirely a load of ham handed virtue signalling whose only real point is to say to the world “look at how woke we are!”.

Ok, sorry you are having such a tough time following.