
Because, when you have a small but dedicated group of people harassing you day and night, it can seem like this group actually represents a large demographic. As such, you start to believe it is in your best interests to cave into whatever their ransom demand du jour is.

Lol, you reply to half a dozen people in a borderline compulsive manner, but I am the angry one? Take a look in the mirror buddy.

They do things thinking they will make bank only to lose big pretty often. They know that angry writers command a lot of screaming hysterics who love nothing more than to harass famous people.

Good, then how about you shill out the cash since apparently the cost is laughable and social justice is clearly so important to you?

Trump’s incendiary online rhetoric?

Per the show that was Blue and Yellow, not Pink.

Honestly, I was never a fan of the early seasons so I didn’t watch that much of Lars and Sadie... so good point.

Not sure Lars and Sadie were ever dating.

Thanks for virtue signalling.

Does this woke virtue signalling about yoga ever get old for the professional whiner community?

Yeah, success with the wrong skin color isn’t real success!

So, if you wrote with an Asian pseudonym that would also be racist?

Thanks for the delusion.

So, the only people who matter are the ones who have a problem?

You mean like Rowling faking a military background, or is that ok because she’s a woman?

No, it’s just an insult to professional offense takers who thinking everything is a personal slap in the face.

Yeah, he committed a small policy violation 10 years ago. Let’s fire him, make him unemployable for life and throw garbage at him on the street.

Takes one to know one.

No, racism is exactly as it was defined, nothing more.

Yeah, getting threatened with firing, black listing, having people send you death threats and harass/assault you on the street. No biggie.