
Better idea, let’s not.

Every time I think humanity is making progress I see butt-hurt whinging about someone using a pseudonym being treated like a crime against humanity.

How about he be publicly executed, that work for you?

They’re going back to war with one another, it’s the entire series dynamic. As the reviewer said, without the war between them it’s just two largely distinct shows occupying the same time slot.

She’s just portrayed as complaining for the joy of complaining half the time.

I could more easily see Connerty finally joining the dark side and becoming part of Axe’s legal team.

Agree with you that Judy should have known better. But her berating Don for caring about money was worse for me.

I do too, not made but I really want to know what really happened.

Apu’s character has been more heavily developed than Krusty’s.

And, the enjoyment of brown people, Hari’s friggin parents like Apu.

Wrong on all counts. Please see the actual definition of racism:

It’s sad you think what you just said constitutes a reasonable argument because:

So if a movie portrays white southerners as a bunch of toothless inbred neo-nazis, that is racist?

You are right, and it is sad.

Bite your tongue!

No, he said your arguments are superficial, one sided and deliberately ignorant.

Mal does respect Inara’s boundaries, he mocks her profession. Please note the difference.

No, even good people have bad days. Actual humans can pretty much all remember a time they behaved unprofessionally or screwed up.

1) Most states have at will employment, that means literally anything is a firing offense. Regardless, something can be a firing offense without being abuse. Being habitually late is usually a firing offense, it is not abuse.

No, sucks for you if you don’t like it. Whining for the sake of whining is what sucks for the rest of us.