
The problem: fascistic thugs like you thinking they have the right to ruin someone’s career and steal their money because they dared to use a pseudonym.

No one gets to tell anyone what pseudonym they can choose; your attempt to dictate terms to others demonstrates the fascistic tendencies I have called you out for.

I thought it was generally someone that was hired who happened to be a minority.

If you think writing under a pseudonym is not just bad, but so bad that it merits being fired and having your money taken from you, then you need to voluntarily resign from your job and give away your money... unless your name really is Yotsuba&Tochan.

Did they want to hire someone who was non-white or just list that they hired someone who was not white?

Most stuff on cultural appropriation is meaningless whining from morons who think people need to treat public domain concepts, art, literature, food and music as sacred based on angry whiners saying so.

And they see that as an accomplishment.


So, someone’s skin color is the equivalent to quality of work. Good to know all you need to produce quality work is having the right skin color.

This entire article is about how he didn’t do a good enough job apologizing for something he clearly doesn’t think is wrong.

Then when someone demands your fascistic opinion be punished by having you fired and your money taken from you; don’t even think about complaining.

Being listed as a diversity hire does not mean they would only hire someone who was non-white.

Actually, it is not.

He did not steal anything, he applied under a pseudonym, and produced quality work. His doing an excellent job and garnering promotions shows great respect for his company and industry. And no amount of f-bombs can change these facts.

What gives you the right to tell anyone else how to live?

Even if he still doesn’t think he’s wrong?

Good thing we have you to tell us what everyone is and is not allowed to get. How generous of you.

He doesn’t agree that he did anything wrong. Your saying he did does not make it so.

I love the way we can say he “stole jobs” from minorities because he dared to write under a pseudonym.

That is a lie, she invented an entire backstory for the pseudonym.