
No problem :). There are situations where I would say circumstances are mitigating enough to not tell, but they’re really extreme, like if the partner is dealing with a major illness or an incredibly stressful time, where news like that could put them over the edge (if you’re spouse’s dad just died, then maybe it

Love me some fingerlings.

I’m sorry, I’m starting to get a bit confused about where this is going. It’s obviously always better to be truthful, just like it’s generally always better not to cheat on your partner, but now we’re definitely past that ideal situation and the question is how do you make the best of a shitty thing, even if one

Clearly you never asked a meerkat about BLM.

Holy shit, I would pick it up with my bare hands and rip it apart with my teeth, and shake it like my cat does to break it’s neck. Then I would wipe the grease off on his jacket.

...in large parts of the world if you look at outcomes the police actually have decent track records AFTER a report is made. Hell in most of the western world a report all on it’s own has a significant impact and can do a great deal to protect people going forward.

Yes! I was going to say that rock and roll has a couple decades on rap so we’ve seen how that’s aged for a while, and a lot of it is garbage (I’m looking at you, Weezer), so it’s unfair to pick on rap. There are some artists who last, and it’s because they allow their sound to evolve and age and mature with them. I

Basic translation

“I’d like to think I’m not racist but also want to rock a confederate flag T, more than I care about Black people’s pain. So we cool right?”

Eat a booty, save a life?

Your ass probably tastes better.

“Bitter Ingredients. Bitter Owner. That’s Papa Johns”

What’s crust got to do, got to do with it?

Papa John’s is trash and they can eat my ass. That is all.

Here’s another example that hews more closely to Diana’s point, then:

It’s a shame that class was scheduled before “How to read an article 101".

I came out here to have a good time and honestly I’m feeling so attacked right now.

“Studio 54 lost it’s Cabernet license”

And what narcotic exactly. Because some of them are fucking legal if you have a prescription.

I don’t feel like he’s saying “let it go,” I feel like he’s asking “does the benefit of her knowing this information outweigh the peace of mind she currently has by not knowing?”
I’d also say, if one of your friends said “hey, you know four years ago when we were at that party and someone took $100 out of your purse?

Ooh, good point!