
EVERYONE in fandom was about Caroline, so of course they fridged her in the second episode that she appeared in.


He should be the next Dr. Who.

I think it's both. They are bitter because they are rightfully being called incompetent.

Hollywood racism is the reason why the actress wanted out. They sidelined her, Lyndie and Orlando in season two for Hawley and Crane's family drama.

Even if they were going to kill her they could have done it in way that served the story and the Witnesses. This didn't.

I am grateful Andy Lincoln (who plays Rick) put public pressure on the producers to pull the trigger. His "political balls" quote at one of the cons was great.

>>>>> It's hard to blame Hollywood racism when the actress wanted out.

She wanted out because that fundamental misunderstanding didn't just start with the finale.

Being a black fan means this is business as usual. Black girls always get a shitty end in media.

Because black women are ALWAYS relegated to the same tired stereotypical roles because that's what fans and writers think is "best" for them.

Have you seen the reactions though?? It's not safe for black fangirls to invest in black female characters TBH. Because they'll pull you along for years and then fuck them over. This ALWAYS happens.

BECAUSE SHE'S BLACK and worse? She and the fans forgot their place.

Oh, I know. She also is doing voice-work for The Jungle Book. Both roles that she could get.

Those execs won't lose their jobs. They'll go on to make the 182918928178273232th show about an ordinary white guy who is special in some way, is a bit annoying and sarcastic, but is brilliant at what he does.

Shouldas' don't mean shit. I'm sorry but I'm just angry. Not at you, but just the situation.

She was light-skinned. In other words not too black for the Middle America to plausibly see being loved.

Abbie wasn't white.

They did this because they hated that #AbbieDeservesBetter became a thing and this season was the last fuck you to fans.

As a black fan, I was shocked to see Abbie be as important as she was in this kind of show and expected this from jump.