
I agree with this. It was making me very uncomfortable seeing how people were so excited to see just how violent the death would be.

He's a TV reviewer not a comic reviewer.

LOL the zombie was formerly a white woman who didn't even have dreads. They stapled two of Michonne's dreads to the zombie's skull.

OMG!! Don't put that out in the world! If that happens I'm coming back here to blame you! lolol.

They really needed someone with a clear track-record with understanding and deep love for genre, especially world-building, which STILL isn't being done up to par this season.

I disagree with that. Peter Mensah looks deliciously otherworldly and godlike enough naturally. Unfortunately, the writing hasn't lived up to his immense stage presence.

Too little too late, honestly. The arrested bait of a journey has cheapened the destination.

You are soooo right, but I think committee lead by someone with bad taste and sexism issues/blinders to how women actually function, as well as a disconnect with what the audience is actually watching this show for, lead to and continues to lead to ruin.

Nikki was miscast, period. She is awesome in real life. She's all about protecting animals, and just seems like a kind awesome person who literally did not know what she was getting into with how TPTB did her.

LOLOLOL, now you KNOW those questions aren't going to be answered. That's too much like logical character development.

This episode has convinced me that this season was either trying to prove that Katrina could have worked had she been an action girl like Betsy or purposely trying to tank the show because they resent the fans bringing attention to how they treated their women and characters of color.

Eh, I think they are all used to body odors, both living and dead. I don't think most of them even showered before going to Hilltop. Hence, that Gregory guy telling them to clean up.

I think that media bias shapes much of what is considered conventionally sexually attractive in our society. Evidence for me is what different isolated indigenous cultures find beautiful vs. societies that are regularly exposed to western media.

I understood where Jessie fit in the frame of things. Jessie was part of Rick still looking backwards, right along with his skepticism that the community could ever truly become acclimated to the larger crueler world.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Yep.


That might be the difference between Michonne's heavy case of resting bitch-face and her smile.

Haha, you mean The Jeffersons and that wasn't a leading couple.

:) You seem determined to prove just how much you don't care.

Very true that one is free to interpret scenes whatever way we wish to. However, the showrunner confirmed that they've been building to this for many seasons.