
I agree. I really wish they had done that instead of rehash.

Same here, but damn if it doesn't chuff me that I have to fight so hard for mediocre stuff to get to the point where diverse casting is normalized enough to get quality.

Nope, Gina Torres was in it too.

That's what she does.

You're still not getting it. I'll try again. White isn't being used synonymously with wealthy or poor. That's not what I'm saying at all. It's being used synonymously with default human being.

That doesn't work because white people outnumber everyone else in both demographics. Again, it's called black-ish, because the label deviates from the norm. White = normal.

That's where the '-ish' comes in. So, still White-'ish, simplify.

The one scene in Django Unchained that I liked, despite so many problematic elements, was when Django blew away that white woman. That in a film chock full of sketchy elements was the only truly brave and subversive choice in a movie Tarantino would probably swear is nothing but.


The raised platform increased her audience far more than any minds were changed by Trevor challenging her.

No and clearly not a point that I was making. Those who watched her videos before didn't need to see her on The Daily Show either.

I didn't know who she was until Trevor Noah interviewed her. So, he helped pump up her spotlight and her bank. Good job helping white supremacists.

Yes! I've also missed Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins.

Her utter terror that her delusion of Tom either in fiction or real life could possibly be ruined by his enjoying the company of a black woman and *gasp!* even be romantic is hilarious.

"I think she's remarkable, If I could work with Nicole for the rest of my career, I'd be quite happy." - Tom Mison

Got links? All of her actual co-players have nothing but praise documented all over twitter and youtube.

So, I guess Katia Winter, John Cho, Nicholas Morales, John Noble, Sakina Jaffrey, Jill Marie Jones, Orlando Jones, Amandla Stenberg, Neil Jackson, Laura Spencer, and Zach Appelman were all difficult too?

^^^^^This is how you know someone doesn't understand racism and doesn't care to. When they act like it's some kind of trump card to be played and not a real genuinely shitty condition for folks. That place of empathy is short-circuited.

I find it hilarious that you're upvoting yourself with another account. It's under the same ISP and everything.

Screencapping this so FOXTV can see exactly what kind of person they pleased.