
The weird thing about making movies is that they are expensive to make and the people who front the money for them expect to get the money back. Ideally with some extra money on top! That’s one of the reasons why some actors are paid more than others. They draw an audience to the box office! There’s a good chance that

Unpopular opinion coming, but this is not okay.

You need guns to protect civilians from the tyranny of the government. I am a leftist who believes in the 2nd amendment. I know that if this nation turns any further in the direction of Nazis, I sure as hell will pick up a gun to stop them from coming to kill me/us. That sounds nuts, but truth to power; the scariest

She is the ultimate abuser here. What she did to that child is inexcusable, and the worst act to ever happen in that child’s life. Only an abuser would murder.

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

Misandry would explain the double standard of:

That’s because this isn’t a feminist website; It’s a man-hating website.

Agreed. With bisexual women there’s sometimes this odd feeling in feminist circles that it’s ok for us to have a desire to sexually please female partners ( as long as the women involved are the respectable type of woman who’s allowed to be taken seriously as bisexual), but that the desire to sexually please male

Supposedly they did test it with a different book beforehand, and the book successfully blocked the bullet (or so I read in the Gizmodo article this morning about the same case)

I don’t know what the answer is to reduce black on black homicide, but I hope something can be done. Too many young lives are being destroyed.

I don’t care about the noise but I would love it if I didn’t get gross cheese-finger.

I loved his band, and the stage they were on. The drummer was *amazing*.
Also I got kind of teary-eyed with the high-school (?) band horn section. They were all kinds of great.

The Prince bit was obviously for the local connection Prince had to Minnesota. But don’t let context get in the way of your narrative.

It’s possible, if she makes significant progress, that she could be released earlier.

Although the females-only approach sounds exclusionary, Roth insists she’s not a man-hater. (“I love men!” she says.)

Which laws are they breaking?

He drugged, brainwashed, and kidnapped Clarice. That’s how the series ends.

I guess the men could still be stalked?

because they are trash receptacles

Someone needs to take this poor, deluded idiot in hand and explain that this is a catastrophically terrible idea. She has already done her bit for King and Country with the WikiLeaks thing and needs to retire quietly to the sidelines. Surely she must realize that her public image is permanently compromised re: