
Looks like Vanguard America disavows links to the driver.

Personally I support those on both sides who protest peacefully, I condemn those on both sides who advocate violence, and those who commit violence should be arrested.

You escaped your boundaries! Congrats!

They can’t all be gold.

Do you have any extra that I can borrow?

Why is it that it is only men who have no boundaries? Are women somehow genetically unable to get beyond boundaries? Or is it society that hems women within boundaries and will not allow them to escape?

Why do you beat dogs? I mean isn’t that a characteristic of a sociopath? Have you intentionally injured other animals? Is there a possibility of this escalating to harming people? Do you need help?

Then I would suggest she say something like “It’s what happens when Chris Brown has two eyes, a wifi password, and no boundaries.”

See, if I were of like mind as the author of this piece, I might say something like “This is the stupid way women respond,” but that would be wrong of me, this is simply the stupid way one specific woman responds.

There are over 3 billion men in the world. One of them decided to send a side-eye emoji to Rihanna. Rather than just calling out Chris Brown for being a scumbag, HG decides to make it an indictment on men in general. that is a shitty thing to do.

It’s the term “Men” that leads me to that interpretation. Had she used the term “People”, I would have not drawn the logical conclusion that she was referring to men.

“It’s what happens when men have two eyes, a wifi password, and no boundaries.”

Women are getting all kinds of discounts.

No one should be the center of the universe. We’re all human beings. We should all have equal rights and equal responsibilities, and each and every person deserves to be treated as an individual, regardless of the color of their skin, even if that skin happens to be white.

I suppose it is possible that you are simply unaware of what’s going on in popular culture and social media.

My mistake, it was the photograph’s of Emmet Till in his casket that his mother endorsed to be published.

Take a look at college campuses, Evergreen State College for example, with their “Day Of Absence,” where white people were compelled to leave the campus. Now imagine if that had been reversed, I’m sure you would agree with me that if white people had told black people to leave the campus for a day, it would be

No, stupid people need to be called out on their bullshit at any opportunity. Sometimes those stupid people are white, sometimes those stupid people are black, sometimes they’re Asian or Native American.

What’s new is white people not knuckling under to the SJW activists. All too often PoC try to shut down a debate by labeling a white person ‘racist.’