Dazzle Me

Yeah that part didn't surprise me either. Even I could come up with $500 if I needed it...

That makes sense though-cold coffee without ice added? Ice coffee isn't hot coffee plus ice.

YES! I save bread!

That's not getting it skinny though, you just order a non-fat with whatever flavor you want.

Oh yes, cats definitely get fat shamed. I was at a friends house and he has a Maine Coon (a very large breed of cat). His cat was maybe slightly overweight. One of the women at the party was Brazilian and said to me, "Wow, Americans are so fat that even their cats are fat." or something along those lines.

That is really disturbing...I'm still in my 20s and damn a 15 year old is a child...

Today I saw someone in a similar style jeal-but black with neon stars on it. It needs to go back to the 90's please...

I thought this was a great post until I noticed "super skinny broads." Why bring other women down?

People freak if the portions seem "small."

I don't see the big deal about a 1000 calorie dinner. A normal lunch and breakfast of a sandwich, some fruits, coffee, a granola bar and some yogurt is 700ish calories, so that still would put me behind my daily need for calories. And I can't remember the last time I finished a meal from a restaurant (aside from

I eat it so quickly because I'm enjoying my food! I've always eaten that way. Eating slow takes effort and feels like torture.

I never encountered okra until I was an adult. It is just not served in the northeast. I did regret trying it...

Baked with milk or sauce.

Yeah but scalloped is a way of slicing the potatoes. You would never say anything but scalloped potatoes.

That is so embarassing. I thought it was pretty much a requirement of being a gear-head.

For my 21st birthday, my parents bought me a car (a nice little sports coupe) with a standard transmission. At the time, I lived at the bottom of a giant hill, and my driveway was up a big hill. That first week having that car, I almost had a heart attack. Amazingly, I never burned out the clutch and was very sad

Yeah that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is the only bodies kids see are highly airbrushed ones. So it would be nice if we lived in a less prudish culture regarding nudity, so we knew what real bodies actually looked like.

Kids not seeing bodies is part of our culture. God forbid children see some naked adults. Personally I feel it would be helpful for children to know what bodies look like, because instead, all we know of adult bodies is what magazines show us.

I just looked up recent beach photos of her and her body looks much nicer...so you might be on to something...

Bad lighting can do that.