Dazzle Me

Mom: "Is that your *girlfriend*?"

In my state, hospitalization ups the charge even without a weapon for this reason...

Yeah it is technically the employer screwing over the employees and I hate this system. But until it is fixed, I won't contribute to underpaying staff. Also, my understanding of collecting the minimum wage if tips aren't met is that your average for the workweek would have to be below minimum wage. So you could

Oh yeah I get that it hurts to hear. They're being smug assholes and trying to make you feel worse about yourself. I wish someone had said that to you too, I would have been all over someone who said that in front of me.

Hahahahaha what? You don't have to be rich to go out to eat and leave an appropriate tip. The asshole thing to do is to go out to eat and tip poorly.

Also, money is clearly not your dating problem...

Yeah no one cares about the school you start at. They care about the school you graduate from. So get some cheap credits and transfer (unless you are looking for an associate's only). Also, regarding the 100% acceptance, that doesn't mean everyone who gets in passes their classes or graduates...

A required project for one of my classes was to go to a local elementary school and organize a career day with guests and speakers explaining their career and how they got there. They start young... At that age, what I said I wanted to do had nothing to do with what I ended up doing. I vaguely knew I was expected to

To me that almost seems worse than nothing :-/

I know! Some people are just terribly cheap I guess. I won't go out to eat with them anymore.

Most of the MSG, err, flavor packets that come with ramen have beef/chicken fat. Not sure if you use the packet or found one without any, just a friendly heads up!

Some people have no shame. But, at least his date got to see what he left...It amazes me that people can justify spending $80 on dinner, but don't think they should have to pay for the service that goes with it...

I'm not sure what you mean? My boyfriend and I alternate more or less, one of us pays the bill, one pays the tip. My boyfriend and I both always leave at least 20% so I don't worry about it.

That's a keeper. My SO is the same way. Not always, but it can be shorthand for gives a shit about other people when there are no consequences to being a jerk.

That's emotional labor...and it should pay more than sub-minimum wage.

I'm sure she saw it. Ugh. I went out to dinner on a "double date" with two of my boyfriend's friends. We agreed to pay for dinner, they offered to pay the tip. As my boyfriend and I were leaving, we see that there is $5 left for a tip. After four people just ate dinner (I don't remember the bill, but with drinks

Ten percent, then double it! But, I'm glad she takes care of it for you then!

I'd feel awful if that was me! But, he did the right thing and fixed it at least!

Wow...yeah, rude to service workers is definitely a no-go too. And people are usually on their best behavior on dates.

I didn't know you owed people their fave meal at your wedding. And how does anyone not eat ALL of those veggies? Even when I ate meat, I ate all of those...

Who leaves a cheap tip on a date? I'm in a long term relationship now, but that's an instant dealbreaker. I don't date cheap assholes who want to steal from waiters...