The thought of that made me so sad. He/she may not be able to drive anymore, and that is his/her living.
The thought of that made me so sad. He/she may not be able to drive anymore, and that is his/her living.
Neither is the sentencing for sex crimes in the US...
Interesting that both men and women get kissed by random strangers on the street (though it happened more to women).
And is studying abroad in England.
I don't get what people are so offended about. I'm thin and never felt offended by these articles...
I don't have to starve myself to be thin. But I know damn well that plenty of women could eat what I eat and still be overweight. That's the problem. You don't know from looking at someone whether they are practicing portion control and exercise or not.
Holy shit the formaldehyde story wins. That is sick.
I think it is a travesty to try children as adults in cases like this. What really kills me though is the hypocrisy. We say children don't have the right to do many things until they are 18 because they aren't developed enough to do so. How can we hold onto that belief, yet give them adult consequences?
Huh they are supposed to turn into a V? What?
MmM nothing better than soggy bread!
Yeah my school had one, but it wasn't free or cheap for students...
In undergrad, there were a fair amount of students with children. My school had an early childhood education center, which included a daycare. It was not free or even cheap though...
Okay, but what is the divorce raised for different-gender couples controlled for the number of years they have been married? In my state, I think the longest a same sex couple could be married is maybe 10 years. Many marriages fall apart after a couple decades (after the kids leave the house), potentially raising…
When is this site going to stop using "mouth breather?" It's a bit ableist....There are a lot of adjectives that would get your point across.
I thought Minnesota. Reminded me of the mom from Bobby's World.
It doesn't seem very likely when only 1% of rape cases are prosecuted...
According to this, $350-$450 per week ($1516-$1950 per month). Where I live, this is beyond outrageous. I mean, it is outrageous to afford an apartment by oneself on minimum wage in the US, but still. Further down-thread someone mentioned having a 3 bedroom house at $1100 a month though. I think rural vs urban has…
I'm all for raising minimum wage don't get me wrong! I've never tried to live on it but I've done the math and it isn't fair :(.
NYC is considered outrageous regarding rent to the rest of the country.
Perhaps the sources I looked at were inaccurate, but what I saw was around $2,000 a month.
Well, I pay a bit more for a nice two bedroom condo, but a studio would be around $600 I would say (though you could find a roommate and share a two bedroom at $800-1000, so half of that). And that would be half of their income pre-tax for a studio. So it's not liveable for a single person, because then there are…