He has a dick, they won’t care.
He has a dick, they won’t care.
But emails or something right?
Petraeus was sentenced to two years’ probation in April 2013 for passing classified information to Paula Broadwell, who was at the time writing his biography and with whom he was also having an affair.
That is where you politely inform your HR people that since they refuse to protect you, you will be filing a claim with the EEOC and/or any state agencies that regulate fair employment issues. You should not be harassed at work. If the guy was a Muslim they wouldn’t allow it, so no reason to let the white guy harass…
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards announced on Twitter this Wednesday that the Center for Reproductive…
And frankly, that goes to issues that are proven based upon scientific fact, like global climate change. That is fact; the anti science crowd has no more of a valid point of view on that issue as they do on the earth being flat or the moon being made of swiss cheese. What’s next? Equal time given to people who…
I really wish people would stop treating racism and misogyny as “a different side of an issue” or as a “different point of view”. Not every topic has two valid sides. If you’re talking about child molestation, you don’t go out and find people who believe molesting children is totally ok and treat them the same way as…
This is not an actionable thing, though. It will get thrown out of court. And, again, I have seen very little talk about Barron in the media, so it’s not like the kid has been hunted or something. And the kid’s PARENTS put him in the public eye, by dragging him out as Orange ran for president. He is on tape because he…
The problem is an average mother can claim that their child is not a public figure. Much harder to argue that the son of the President-elect and First Lady (elect?) is not a public figure.
Yep racism? Totally to be expected! This is AMERICA!!! But don’t you dare say a word about a rich white guy’s kid. That’s the line.
She would have to sue the autistic person who made the video and was simply speculating that Barron is like him. That’s not talking shit about the kid, nor is it framing it as a negative thing. TMZ and other rags do that.
I think she’ll be a fascinating Snatch Game impression on Drag Race.
Michelle Obama and her children were being called monkeys, and people were calling for her (Muslim, socialist, non-citizen) husband to be lynched. Nary a lawsuit in sight. Chelsea Clinton was openly mocked for her looks. It is not appropriate for a first lady to sue in this circumstance. These people are ridiculous.
Are you new
I suck up ANYTHING anti-Scientology like a 50-cent whore.
“This is a very magnanimous article. Thank you Jezebel”
Perfectly coiffed hair? Girl, I guess.
Is this in a Michaels?!?!?! Lolololol.
This all just sounds terrible for the kid if it’s true. Ignoring his illness or being ashamed and hiding it are just an awful reality for that kid to endure, especially with his family being the national focus for the next four years.