Wait just a second. Did you edit your original reply to add the word “champ”? I am dying.
I was making a general point about lifelong decisions before you have enough experience, but do you. I am just thinking about longterm couples and trying to figure their success. Get married any time you want.
Even worse.
Maybe it shouldn’t be okay, but every child of a president deals with it. So the Trumps know that and didn’t care. Now you put it on everyone else to protect the child when his parents wouldn’t. It’s the cart before the horse, and your ruling is neither fair nor practical. You can keep insisting that everyone else…
People would be happier if they refrained from acting cooked at 25. Don’t get married before you’ve exited adolescence, for fucksake. You have zero experience at life and should be allowed to make mistakes without lifelong consequences.
I mean yeah, we know. And they know he’s got needs. But the defensiveness is a rejection of all that reality and a terrible disservice to a child, and that’s why I call it “the story.”
The parents are the ones punishing him. Those are the two people responsible for his well-being, and they have shirked their duty and put him into the same spotlight as every other presidential family, for personal gain alone. It’s shameful.
I agree they are being met in a basic way if he’s allowed to maintain his routine. But I don’t think it’s appropriate for presidents to put the country second so that his family’s comforts come first. If he cared about his son in a meaningful way and wanted to protect him at all, he would not have run. But he…
I didn’t catch that, but I’m not surprised. It helps explain why Ivanka was detached enough from her newborn to go on an extended holiday with Putin’s girlfriend—because attachment and nurturance is for weaklings!
She should have thrown her weight around when it could have made a difference. But I guess it’s somehow legit to scold and intimidate 350 million regular citizens making constitutionally-protected comments about a public figure than one egomaniac husband hellbent on putting your family in the spotlight.
“The people who insist on bringing Barron into the public eye...” are the Trumps. They inserted themselves for personal gain. Once you do that, people will discuss you in ways you may not like. We protect speech like that in this country, so I don’t know why you’d defend such anti-constitutional intimidation.
I’m not changing Baroon.
She would have been thrown out at minute three if she were black.
The defensiveness tells the story. Donald will never acknowledge that his son has special needs. I feel very sorry for Baroon, because there are a ton of resources available that could make him happier.
I was feeling weird about it from the start, and now I hear that she didn’t even think before joining the campaign. Just got excited about free make-up?
They’re not draining him dry; he’s their best advertising so they ask nothing. His presence helps them fleece the masses. So they coddle him and give him thousands of hours of slave labor. He is tended to like a princess because of his clout. Why would he ever leave?
About those people who defend Scientology on the basis of its having some good practices to offer: those are widely available practices called therapy, communication courses, meditation, and so on. It’s life coaching; it’s self-empowerment shit and it works for everyone in the short term. It’s not special. …
She’s got a...strong jaw and she needs some curly softness a la Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. It distracts from the hard edges, like the fact that she just killed your bunny and took away your right to choose and is watching you right now.
All the Trump Girls except for Katrina have that affliction. Kayleigh (sp??!?) is basically Kellyanne 2, still in training but already evil and over-blonde.