
I hate you with all my heart!


Brenton is already signed for the 6th.

Except it has a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes who are going. So there’s that. Sorry to say, this is getting rave reviews and will be a hit

Haha! Me too and yet here it is.

Well he made the POTC franchise for his kids so they would have something. He wanted to start making money when he got older. He wanted Kiera and Orlando to be the poster as he called it, it wasDisney’s decision to make him the star.

He didn’t meet her until 2012 right? So yes you’re correct, I believe the script was just plain bad. I’m hearing nothing but great reviews.

He was married at the time of filming though and may not even have been with her when the script was submitted. The script was most likely horrible and they used this as an excuse to let him down easy. Otherwise they would have had him do a rewrite.

lol genuine post.

Sounds reasonable to me. Pirate films should have men villains, Penelope Cruz’ villain in 4 didn’t work, plus Tia Diama who was a female villain in 3 didn’t do so well with the critics. I don’t know what this salty writer is complaining about but the last 2 pirate films had female villains. Sounds like he’s making up

Well he is gay and dates a black man, don’t know what this has to do with White Privlege and more to do with someone wanting to back him for people trying to shut him up and they believe no matter what he has to say, he has the right to say it. Good for him.

His kids aren’t school age, only one is and that is the one who lives with his ex and he only went there once and his charity gave a one time 10k donation. You have to read the hit piece.

The Kennedys. The end.

You do know it is run by the Kennedys right? It’s not a Brady found charity. Shriver is a Kennedy and he started Best Buddies out of the Hyannis Compound.

You are reaching. Brady didn’t set up the charity, Shriver aka the Kennedys did and asked Brady to be the face of it. When Brady was putting all his time into it and had no time for his own charities Shriver offered him the same agreement he did with Kevin Spacey who did it for a year and that was to pay him, but

I think Felger is missing the point as usual, it’s not if his family missed him for a couple of hours when he was gone right after his baby was born, what if his baby died while he was at work being a doucher and he wasn’t there for them? He’s such a tool bag. Hurley is a cool guy and taking care of your family is

Can this please hurry up and come out now! I love Captain Jack Sparrow!

That’s not white privilege, that’s demographics and sheer laziness. If minorities just opened their smart phones, computers or went to their local government offices they would see they have far more opportunities to grant themselves ahead of the “race” than whites. This includes schooling, housing, jobs, you name it.