Wait is that really their kid’s name? Holy crap. hahahahahhahaa
Wait is that really their kid’s name? Holy crap. hahahahahhahaa
Pretty easy when the owners keep dying from liver failure and 3 mph cart crashes
I didn’t care if they lived close, within like 10 miles but at some point it just got really annoying driving people around. When I was a teen I had a friend that lived out in the middle of nowhere and that was just the worst.
Comes with a complimentary drink or two, is okay to drive on golf courses and only plays “Another One Bites the Dust”
This is what came up when I googled it, haven’t heard of it before myself.
All scalpers as far as I can tell can go to hell. From the old school ticket guys, to the shoe scalpers, to the consoles and gpu scalpers. I wish them nothing but misery, may all their steps be on legos.
I always laugh because I grew up with two salespeople for parents and just know that their tactics are absolute garbage. Completely clueless these huns are.
Hey hunnss how would you like a new car?
Totally, just saw I had two replies to my last comment and nothing.. so sorry dudes I saw your comments but can’t really access them.
You can disagree with me without insulting my intelligence, I know this is the internet where that is the default.
You forgot about whining that it’s the most dangerous job to ever have existed.
Judging by their trigger discipline and how well they handle their guns this problem might just sort itself out.
Glad we gave them all that money to bail them out.. again.
Seriously, I remember thinking that the blood screen would never end. maybe they thought that game was too obvious?
Anyone else having issues with it showing replies to your comments? Like I see them in the notifications but it doesn’t direct me to the replies when I click on it.
Damn here I go doing Snake Jazz again.
Eww is that Lil’ Bits?
They’re that terrible kid in every group project.
If you ain’t fathering kids at the age of 10 you’re just not living.
Another cool Venus fact to add to the list!