Fighter of the Nightman

Don’t worry, nobody in the writer’s room for that show did either 

It would roll and burst into flames somehow 

First of all it’s spelled “side effects” second of all, show me any vaccine that has had random side effects 10 years later.

I wouldn’t bother replying to this troll 

Now? It was always annoying. Having to solve 20 captchas in a row for no reason was annoying as hell. 

Should just have General Sherman statues of him holding a torch 

I know I’m one of the greys but it looks like the ones you’re referring to are here. :( 

They pay servers $15/hr in Seattle and the city hasn’t destroyed itself yet. 

We also need to learn to treat people with respect regardless of their occupation. 

The Peeps one sounds gag worthy at best. 

Cardboard boxes and LED lights?

7-9-1 is the best he can get 

That guy must be happy, he could brag afterward that he got demolished by James Harrison 

Who’s more trustworthy than Bob?


Because Dungy is a moron 

Oh I’m so glad Jon Hamm is back, he was one of the best parts of the show last season imo 

Pretty sure that’s poisonous 

Although he could also be in sunny Mexico right now

I would just have it so everyone there would have the headstrong loud personality of Susie