Diarrhea of a wimpy kid
Diarrhea of a wimpy kid
So, when will Woody Allen, Roman Polanski and Casey Affleck movies be removed from shelves? They won't? This only happens to people where there aren't big financial stakes involved, you say? Ok, then…
I didn't know this exists. Is his daughter kidnapped every episode?
I feel ashamed for clicking on this article and reading it.
Yeah, but that's about it in the last ten years - the role that got her famous and a guest role.
So, Alexis Bledel is in this as well. Good to hear that she finally gets some work again.
Please just shut up.
Your knowledge of japanese culture is pathetic as well by the way. There is not a single country on the planet where sexual and gender fluidity is more present than in Japan and that is the case for literally centuries. There are countless gay, bisexual or trans japanese entertainers and gay and bisexual relationships…
"because 95% of people on earth have countless stories, countless lives/adventures or whatever and live and die without even encountering a gay like you."
So generous that they're allowed to show off their individual style through personalized usage of a drab, grey apron, everyone's fashion item of choice.
In the age of Trump you can apparently only dislike (somewhat) political figures.
Oh man, so many memories…
We all know Katherine Heigl's career has been flushed down the toilet and maybe rightfully so, but Rosario Dawson definitely deserves better than this.
My year's worth is none at all.
And this year's Darwin Award goes to…
I thought we were over this "women in rap videos only exist to dance in their underwear and grind their genitals against the rapper" thing.
I don't understand the difference between a teaser and a regular ol' trailer anymore.
I'm not going to defend season 6 and the finale, though I don't hate it like most people do. I am tired though of people claiming season 3 sucked. The second half of season 3 is incredible and has the show's strongest run of episodes without a single dud and finishes with the series best episode "Through The Looking…
Pizza Hut is just nasty.
"The Bernie Sanders Show"? The spirit of the 70s lives on in this title.