

Looks like Hollywood drawing the teeth of Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo.

Oh Halle, where did it go oh so wrong? It must have been as early as Cat Woman.

C'mon, AV Club. Give me an F. Or at least a poop emoji as a grade.

I find it hard to believe people like OHIO read Dan's column frequently and even have the guts to write him. He/She has to have "discussions" with the adult or almost adult daughter if her boyfriend is allowed to sleep over, snoops around in the apartment, tries to control her sex life and is grossed out by some

That C- grade for Ultraviolence is still a joke.

I really have no idea how they even thought they could attempt this successfully. As I understand it, it's more of a sequel to the books than an adaptation, where Roland this time is supposed to get it "right", so there's no need to get everything from the books into the movie, not even all the most essential stuff.

Writers of other shows, take note. This is how you do an exposition-heavy season kick-off. Check in with everyone, recap quickly their position, send them on their clearly outlined journey for the season, set up future conflicts. It's sharp and focused and sparks interest for what's to come. And a potentially boring

I was surprised to see that Sansa is taller than Jon now. Is Kit Harrington pretty small or Sophie Turner quite tall or both?

But Emmy Award-nominated Barb from Stranger Things is also in this.

daughter, Dolly, who is showing signs of identifying as a boy

As it turns out, Wonder Woman actually outperformed Cars 3, which made a million less than estimated, and took the number #2 spot.

That's by Azealia Banks.

They have found some chalk drawing and red paint on the floor.

How long until this devolves into Under The Dome-levels of inanity? I give it 5 episodes.

Alright, Bossy reached #16, but it isn't that well-known. Even her most well-known songs besides Milkshake didn't crack the Top 50 (Caught Out There, Trick Me, Acapella).

Kelis - Milkshake
Another artist making consistently strong music throughout her career, but the world has unfairly decided at her peak that it only needs one black oddball R'n'B/Hiphop woman around and that turned out to be Missy Elliott.

"Talking Body" was also a Top20 hit. She also had considerable hits with Flume and Nick Jonas.

It pains me to say this but: Carly Rae Jepsen, the feel good popstar we need but apparently don't deserve. She keeps on making great music that is also hit-worthy but simply doesn't hit anymore and so she's more a cult phenomenon now.

They are making spin-offs for individual robots? Can anyone tell these personality-free piles of junkyard throw-up apart?