Isn't it a little vain to communicate with gifs from your own show?
Isn't it a little vain to communicate with gifs from your own show?
Poor Mandy.
Negan being distracted obviously means that all his minions within a radius of a mile are distracted as well, which is why you can easily shoot them, despite them pointing a gun at you. The garbage leader lady basically just stood there kinda indifferently, pointing her gun at Rick while the others were shooting her…
Well, the real news or question here is: Is she playing some kind of trans or genderless character ("Michael")? That would be pretty awesome.
By now, you just have to watch season premiere, mid-season finale, mid-season premiere and season finale and even then you wonder how little is happening.
This show has Mad Max-like garbage people who have seemingly unlearned to speak within a span of 2 to 3 years. Hell, I'm all for such campy elements as the pompous somberness of this show has taken an unfortunate turn for the selfparodic and is in desperate need for some lightening up. But for now this mishmash of…
There rarely was a moment on this show with less dramatic weight than that whole "Oh no, is Michonne dead?" episode, and that's saying something with this show. Yeah, we're supposed to believe Michonne is killed off-screen by random garbage woman, especially during an episode where less important Sasha gets 20 minutes…
That shootout at the end is definitely one of the lower points in the history of on-screen shootouts, just random images of people shooting something with seemingly no connection between the images and you have no idea where they are shooting, where they are and how they are related to each other, geographically. It…
This show is very bad. Boilerplate storytelling you usually find in 2 hour summer blockbuster movies stretched over 16 sluggish hours and then they don't even manage to milk actual excitement from the big showdown everything was leading up to for ages. Gimple and team did some good work with season 5, but I think it's…
No. It's a real word now.
That's my new favourite word. I just googled it and this article is literally the only thing that popped up.
Who's betting on the season ending with some cliffhanger right before the war kicks off? They went with every opportunity to make the season shitty, so I'd be surprised if they didn't take this one as well.
It's like the writers are actively experimenting how to create the absolute worst show ever. For them it's not enough that barely anything happens over the course of a season, no, their new trick to make things even more boring is to just tell the things that actually do happen instead of showing them, see Sasha's…
Don't dare to talk about Spoon after that C+ review, AV Club.
Shouldn't the worst (read: hardest) be also the best? Who doesn't love a good challenge?
I had plenty of great sex to the debut of the xx and I still get horny everytime I hear it.
Get outta here.
Well, it's meta critique, the sentence also has "layers of overthought production".