
A Dowd B+? The end is nigh.

The man of all of my dreams, dirty and otherwise. Too bad Apple Music won't let me listen to the album, because I do not possess a credit card.

all that kind of stuff

I guess this has more to do with gender roles than with sexuality, because "gay" still means "feminine" for many naive straight guys who imagine themselves pressured by society into being as "masculine" as possible at all times and are embarrassed when their efforts to appear masculine fall flat.

Killam hasn't played Trump since the beginning of the last season. Hammond took over again after a few episodes.

It's highly doubtful that David Ayer made the decision to leave the scenes on the cutting room floor. This movie seems to be a textbook example of studio tinkering where panicky reshoots and 10 different editors lead to a movie's demise.

That's not the point. I haven't seen the movie, but apparently an insane abuse victim is all she gets to be, no other dimensions - and she's basically the lead. Depicting abuse victims is fine, but at least do something with it and don't define them entirely by the abuse, especially not when it's the lead character.

Damn you, O'Neal, for getting to all the good puns first.

And I refuse to call it political correctness. I just call it decency, morality, manners. But maybe those things are for "pussies" as well.

Trump would probably do the gleeful, triumphant corpse sodomizing himself, so there you have your choices for November.

Could they also use those as their own country and leave the rest of us alone?

I thought the same, though we never got a good look. If it was him, he looked suspiciously young.

This was my favourite episode of the season, so straight A. All the main players finally coming together to get shit done was terrific and Ryder delivered her series best work with her interactions with Eleven.

They may have considered to treat the Sanders campaign like an enemy campaign, but there's no evidence that any of the plans outlined in those emails came to fruition. So it's essentially just office chatter. Mean, sure, but without any impact.

Sarandon actually compared those essentially meaningless emails to Watergate. C'mon, Susan, give us a break.

Benghazi and those damn emails are just right wing talking points. Nothing more. They've spent more time and money on Benghazi investigations than on 9/11 investigations and they found nothing, absolutely nothing. They can't locate Benghazi on a map, but it's a chance to smear Clinton, so they just keep on doing it.

Then what are her sinister priorities that she is not telling us about?

That doesn't answer my question. Do you have any values at all you want to see represented by POTUS?

So what you're basically saying is you don't care about climate change, LGBT rights, women's rights, the black lives matter movement, minimum wage, overturning Citizens United, higher taxes for the rich to fight income inequality, gun control and all those other things Hillary fights for. You only care about Trump not

Because she gave speeches for banks and stuff. Apparently renders every other issue redundant.