
The system was not rigged and the race was not tight. A few emails basically saying that some people in the DNC like Hillary better, does not amount to a rigged system and the notion that Bernie somehow would have gotten 3.5M more votes if those emails wouldn't exist is laughable. I'm a Bernie supporter, but Bernie

Bernie and his supporters were invaluable in pulling the democratic ticket into focus, because Hillary didn't have any real agenda apart from "Eh…let's just keep going". I actually believe she wanted to run on a more progressive platform to begin with, but the party establishment had underestimated how far to the left

What they don't understand is that it isn't over, quite the opposite, Hillary's running more or less with Bernie's agenda, taking the "revolution" to the next step and into actual policy making and solutions. Will they get immediately what they want? No, that wouldn't have been the case with Bernie as POTUS either,

Let's just forget about Bernie or Bust now and talk about Michelle Obama.

You can handle this. There's a scary scene here and there, but overall it's not gut wrenchingly intense. If you can handle movies like Alien or Poltergeist, you shouldn't have any problems with this. The intensity of the horror scenes is similar to those movies, but there are much longer stretches without any horror

Regardless of interpreting the ending as happy or sad, there's still the implication that she saves her family and frees them from the burden of her "illness" by committing suicide and apparently with no other solution in sight. That's the problematic part for me. Of couse is the suicide sad, but it's also presented

Thanks for the insight. That production studios have to take into consideration what an audience likes or hates is definitely troublesome, because there are things in life that are sad and pointless (like suicide) and art should have the freedom to depict these things as such without taking into account if the

Also, Missy Elliott will obviously never age. Glad she's back in the game.

She will be missed after the election.

I didn't read it like that at all. In fact, for me it didn't make any real comments on sex. For me, it's a movie about the end of adolescence, about the realization that your life will one day end and your time is running out. IT will get us all one day. The protagonist refuses to accept this reality and clings to her

Is Hillary Clinton played by a man in a bad wig and ill-fitting pantsuits? The header picture certainly suggests so.

True. I suppose that's way too subtle and messy for a mainstream movie like this which prefers a clean-cut all or nothing ending. That it goes this particular, morally questionable route is…well…ugh.

I hope you don't mean STDs, because that's not what it symbolizes.

I thought this guy is in jail or something.

They are making up so many excuses, I'm shocked that they haven't found out the truth yet: That this is an evil scheme by Hillary and Barack where Michelle time travelled to the future, plagiarized Melania's speech and then travelled back to give the speech first, making Melania look bad. It's the only logical

Well, who doesn't?

I just don't see a lot of room for a second season. Anthology-style maybe, but I'd say this particular story is more or less wrapped up.

One of the strongest instances where the show undercut conventions: I was dreading to get about 5 episodes of "Everybody thinks Joyce is crazy" which would have been really frustrating. Thank god everybody caught up very fast and also in unexpected ways with Hopper picking up the scent of a few minor irritations early

I think the ending with the "Heroes" cover was the moment where this show really got me. Fantastic direction, editing, acting.

Mikey doesn't even begin to contemplate that a bunch of buff, underfucked military dudes trapped in a room can do mighty interesting things too.