
Eh…please point us to the recent movies where she bombed again and again. Within the last five years Jolie helmed a whooping amount of 2 movies as an actress: Maleficent which raked in - believe it or not - $750M at the box office and rested squarely on her shoulders, and her sucky vanity project By The Sea which

By this point I'd expect Garbage to just go through the motions like on their solid comeback effort, so this dark, brooding, raw and ballad-heavy album is a welcome surprise.

Wow, on my list of most pretentious garbage I've ever seen this Palinoia thing ranks pretty high. I couldn't stand it for more than 2 minutes. Why would anyone steal anything from this steaming pile of artsy-fartsyness that doesn't contain a single original idea anyway?

Well, that's good news. But are Wye Oak really in the position to drop surprise releases? The surprise factor works for big artists, but for smaller bands I believe it's a rather counterproductive release strategy.

It's the dude bro edition of Lord of the Rings.

Yeah, a judgement of the victim has absolutely no business within her evaluation of his character, even less so than that whole straight edge sermonizing. And let's be clear here: We all have the absolute right to get super drunk and pass out behind dumpsters. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you want to do that, go

Right below "she shouldn't have worn THAT".

Well, yes, from a law perspective there are mitigating circumstances. But she had no business judging that. Are there mitigating circumstances for rape as in "he's still a swell dude and just made a little mistake" as this girl, the family and even the judge try to pass it off? Not in my world.

There are no mitigating circumstances for rape, none, even less than for murder since raping someone is a more complicated act than straight up murdering someone. There are especially no mitigating circumstances when there's an unconscious girl in obvious need for help behind a dumpster involved.

Ultimately it's "let's turn a blind eye to sexual assault when one of my friends is the perpetrator" which translates to "I'm basically still a teenager, not particularly bright and with a very naive perception of what constitutes rape".

In her mind the girl was apparently raped by a sentient bottle of vodka and not a "real" rapist. She obviously felt the desperate need to point that out.

This scenario gets sicker the more you think about it. What your friend did isn't nearly as far off from kidnapping and raping her as you think it is, missy. He found a passed out girl behind a fucking dumpster and his immediate reaction was not to help her, no, quite the opposite, he had to rape her. It's moments

Oh my, there are so many things wrong with her statement, which may have something to do with her being a naive 20-year old airhead or maybe not. Rape has absolutely nothing to do with political correctness. Absolutely nothing. Rape is rape, no matter how "severe" it is. There's no "bad rape" and "tolerable rape".

I'm gonna take some Walking Dead pics now and slap random Pretty In Pink quotes on them. See you on the next GJI!

I find it disturbing that hundreds of people apparently have so much time and so little idea what to do with it, so they terrorize some random person whose phone number they've briefly seen on a talk show.

No, the (admittedly very brief) Jonas ass scene is a sex scene.

Wait for Goat. There's at least some Jonas man-ass and it's a far superior movie.

Yeah, Brandon Nowalk got this storyline all wrong. It completely goes over his head, although it's really not that hard to understand. No, she's not brainwashed, she had no outside contact, she doesn't get to speak with her grandmother at all in privacy, she had no idea they were coming to rescue her and she's not

That doesn't make much sense, because a) Tommen doesn't even know that he's the result of incest, b) being the result of incest doesn't make him a sinner and c) if he's revealed not to be a Baratheon than people know he isn't the legitimate king and therefore Margaery isn't the legitimate queen and doesn't deserve to

It makes perfect sense from a logical standpoint that Sansa and Jon have a hard time gathering some troops to reinforce the notion that most of Westeros is still too busy with their petty and complicated grievances to focus on the actual danger that is coming, but alas, it doesn't make for particularly riveting