That awful Septa Urinella person just can't die fast enough.
That awful Septa Urinella person just can't die fast enough.
So if we indeed get Cleganebowl than it's safe to assume that Hound wins and Mountain is toast, because it doesn't make sense narratively to bring Hound back just to die. That means Cersei is toast as well. But before Cersei can be toast someone has to poison Tommen, presumably Margaery, and I'm not sure why she…
Eh…you know, free university is a reality in many developed countries all over the world for decades now and 100% renewable energy is a plan many of those developed countries have made as well. So it can be done obviously.
In other celebrity death news: My cat has died today, dozed off peacefully in his little cat house. He was 19. We grew up together. He was my oldest friend. He had the greatest, most comfortable life a cat could wish for that came to a fittingly painless end, but I'm gonna miss him so bad.
In other words, GoT has a complex overarching mythology raising questions which only Martin can provide the answers for. TWD is just idiots lurching through the woods, killing (or getting killed by) zombies and evil people and there's no point, no goals, no questions to answer. Anyone could write that.
Unlike Kirkman Martin will probably die before he finishes his last book, so someone else finishing the story for him is actually helpful.
She was barely more than inessential sexy henchwoman in the first three movies played by Rebecca Romijn. So of course Singer wants to cash in on Lawrence and of course she had so much screentime in Days Of Future Past because of Lawrence. Nobody cares for the character really. If Lawrence had played Squirrel Girl, he…
Actually I'm fine with almost all Stephen King-based movies being remade (exceptions: The Shining, Carrie, Misery, Dolores, Shawshank, Stand By Me, Green Mile), because most of them are either shit, mediocre or have aged badly. It and The Stand in particular definitely deserve great movie adaptations.
Totally out of touch with reality. You can't have finished clown school with 25.
I'm in there about every second sunday (yes, I'm cool).
I had no idea people still use these so excessively, apart from 2 or 3 dozen standard ones, where it actually makes sense to use them. I'm a proud GIF texter. That's a lot more fun.
That's probably the nerdiest bullshit I ever had the misfortune to read here.
Another talented actress sucked into the Marvel Machine where actual talent isn't required.
8 seasons because that's how long it takes for Carrie to become a lumberjack.
Homeland ended with season 3 and nothing will make me believe otherwise.
Eh…as far as I remember, the first movie already was an origin story? No idea what is supposed to happen before that. Definitely nothing of interest (not that any of those movies is really interesting, but nevermind). A drama about a disfigured kid which is bullied and apparently drowns? Horrorfans looking for gore…
Oh man. I'll be in my bunk.
I find it noteworthy that almost all of these book covers are atrociously ugly. Yeah, never judge a book yada yada, but how am I supposed to feel comfortable with that last one for example, if I happen to read it in public?
The pilot is actually really promising, if maybe a little reserved. The most promising part is probably that there's actually mythology and character histories to explore, something TWD is lacking in entirely, creating the show's two major limitations: Little room for character development and a plot without any real…
Yeah, I found her acting ability always impressive. Even with things as inconsequential as SNL sketches she was able to create real, distinctive and wildly different characters within a few minutes and disappear into them. Just her role choices left something to be desired, but if this is indeed about to change, I'm…