
Why did I misread the headline as "obvious child gang bang"? And why did that make me click on it?

He should tell that to his therapist and leave the rest of the world alone.

I only know of this movie because of the hilarious zero stars review by Roger Ebert. This piece is good as well. So as Rabin already noted, awful movies at least spawn entertaining reviews.

I haven't seen him yet, but some of the others have and apparently prefer to stay out of this entirely and say nothing. I disagree and now I kinda feel this growing responsibilty to be the one to step up, call him out and give him the opportunity to reflect on what happened with someone familiar with the situation

He knows that he fucked up monumentally. I haven't talked to him yet, but I can't imagine otherwise (on the other hand, I couldn't imagine him doing something like that either, so who knows). He can be clueless about things, for example, I think he wasn't expecting how strong her reaction would be (breaking down,

Here's a tragic story. One of my very best friends recently broke up with his girlfriend of over 2 years. She's a wonderful person, he is actually a wonderful person too and the two of them where for a long time this shining beacon of romantic bliss for everyone around them, just one of those instances were two people

All very disgusting. As for releasing music, I'd suggest that she just goes the mixtape route and releases something for free and by herself. It's not ideal of course, but at least it is something. Or is it that her label owns her completely and everything she records and releases automatically belongs to them? If

All of the other characters play the game from within the established system, trying to sneak their way up, while she is the only one willing to change the rules of the system itself, simultaneously freeing and using to her advantage all who are disenfranchised by it. That's what makes her a smart leader. Thinking

Thanks. Now I not only know what I won't watch but also when I won't watch it.

I'm ashamed to admit that I consider him the hottest guy on the show right now look-wise. So I'd probably tie him up and use him as some kind of sex toy.

Yeah, and it's not that Rickon is needed either as a character with actual personality and agency. They basically just brought him back as a living MacGuffin so that Jon and Sansa have a reason to start a war. Definitely some weaknesses in the writing this season.

Just googled this Perlmutter dude everyone here is blaming. Well, it's no surprise that some 73 year old dude who contributed to presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Marco Rubio isn't exactly a shining beacon of progressive ideas.

Congrats. Now you know what feminism is all about.

I've noticed this episode and found it amusing that all the languages in this show have a name, except the one most of them are speaking all the time (so, English). They just call it "the common tongue".

It's also a pretty narrow definition of feminism when a show is only deemed feminist because of female characters winning. In fact, an actually feminist show also needs women who lose and women who are evil and women who are weak. It needs all kinds of women who get the same opportunities as men to shine or to fail.

No show has more strong women with agency routinely dismantling the rigid patriarchal system that tries to keep them down. No other show ever. So it's a valid point.

Brienne swiftly outperformed him. That was her very first scene.

Maybe it would have improved the story if we met Dany first when Tyrion met her and not from the start. We'll never know. Maybe GRRM just wanted to get some dragons in there quickly without upstaging the scheming and backstabbing in King's Landing, so he shipped them off to a different story entirely. Or maybe the

I'd say that's just a natural by-product of a storyline completely separate from all the others. She's basically the only character where we knew from the start that she plays a vital part in the story's endgame and she can't die before her path crosses those of the other major characters. With characters like Sansa

She was treated like a piece of meat by her brother and was married off against her will, she lost a child, she lost her husband who she ended up loving, she lost her power as a queen and her tribe, she almost starved while crossing the desert, she was almost killed in some weird magic city, she was targeted by