
So are they setting up Margaery to die soon? They better not set up Margaery to die soon.

Joffrey at least was fun to hate, set up exactly for this purpose and for the satisfaction of everyone when he finally bit it. With Chris we're supposed to hope that he gets back on the right track and works through his issues. I don't care. It's boring and annoying and I hope whatever track he's on leads to his

It can be two things. By now I wouldn't be surprised if he murdered her and then raped her corpse. Seems like a Ramsay thing to do and very Game of Thrones as well.

Ramsay had yet to kill an actually beloved character for his ultimate rise into the olymp of super villainy, so bringing back Osha for that purpose makes sense to me….but still…NO! OSHA!

Yeah, this show has farm season syndrome, but at least this time around they seem to have learned something from the farm season. Sure, almost all characters behave like idiots to stir the plot, but at least this time things are happening and the writers manage to carve out distinct episodes with individual themes,

It's very strange that executives still believe people watch things because Katherine Heigl is in it. Will another show not making it past it's first season show them?

I seriously doubt this is able to top the somewhat similar Green Room, but I'm gonna give it a shot.

Off the top of my head, Revolutionary Road. That one really doesn't have any illusions about or even hope for life and makes sure the characters don't have either by the end.

I'd watch a spin-off about the adventures of Kate Mara's wig, the only thing that kept me reasonably entertained in it's very special charming ways through this dreary experience.

I think the writers couldn't either.

I feel him. I would have no idea how to make a "serious" movie involving Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and Ghidorah either. But hey, they're making a serious Power Rangers movie, so what do I know?

I've never seen a single episode from any of the shows of this cancellation massacre (except…eh…Castle, I think). I didn't even know some of those exist. Maybe that's why they were cancelled.

They may as well stop kidding themselves and just rebrand themselves as The Shonda Channel. Nothing but Grey's Anatomy all day and all week with some episodes of Scandal, HTGAWM, etc. sprinkled here and there, because apparently that's the only thing that people actually want to see from them for whatever reasons.

Honestly, I still don't think it is heralded nearly enough. I think you only really have an idea of what editing means, if you have actually edited something, which means dozens if not hundreds of different takes, mostly unordered, and you have to find out which ones and how to fit them together, how to find a nice

Oh great, the woman with the massive hit deemed "feminist" and "body positive" is back, in which she bullies people as "skinny bitches" and essentially expresses that the key to a woman's happiness is her ability to attract men. I wonder which progressive thoughts she has up her sleeve this time.

"ABC cancels itself"

Who's gonna tell me now how evil and dangerous the internet is?

Sorry, Margot. You chose a vagina before you slided through the birth canal. Hollywood has no roles for vagina carriers that are independent of penis carriers, as every role not defined by gender or gender relations is male by default (not to mention white and straight).

I'm getting Only God Forgives vibes from this trailer. I do not want to get Only God Forgives vibes from this trailer.

Why do you name your high class lifestyle magazine like something that sounds slimy, gooey and icky?