
Ugh…part of what made Jumanji work were the relatable characters, kids and regular people that were in over their heads but had the courage to face the game anyway. Now we get these larger-than-life bozos who aren't relatable one bit and who will probably spend the majority of the run time being "badass" and blaring

A talented musician and an awful human being. I usually don't mind the latter, if people deliver on the former front, but I have to draw the line somewhere. This bitch is just too vile and hateful, frequently slamming people for allegedly being racist towards her, while spewing disgusting racist, homophobic and sexist

I can't imagine that her DJ work is more than opening up some Hot 100 playlist on Spotify and pressing the play button.

I wanted the kid to die horribly until he got up. Still don't think he deserves the dog though.

If I throw the switch, can I pick by hand who drops dead and who doesn't? Would be a bummer if the non-assholish half of humanity dies and I would have to deal with the other half.

Hush was kind of a letdown after the great, original and lovecraftian Absentia and Oculus. Good, but a little bit too by the numbers as a home invasion thriller (with a deaf protagonist twist) to really stand out.

That's not true. The average life expectancy in developed countries is above 80. And yeah, 70 and 80 may be old, but I'd say few people are lucky enough to get "very old", so that starts above the average life expectancy for me.

Quite disheartening that this article calls a person in her late 60s "very old". "Very old" starts at about 90 for me.

How very generous of Lorne to give Sasheer something to do for her birthday after relegating her to the role of a glorified extra for 3 years. Too bad it wasn't good. So back to obscurity, I guess.

I would have missed him if his shirt hadn't been unbuttoned, but by unsuccessfully trying to get a good look I kinda missed the rest of the sketch.

"How did I become a virus?" Well, considering earth is still the only known planet where life is possible, it is safe to assume that life itself is an anomaly and humanity along with every other living being on the planet is indeed a virus, especially considering that large parts of humanity are actively (but


For a moment I misread it as "WWE movie directed by Mel Gibson". But WWII is just as absurd.

Well, Honeymoon is a great movie. So maybe this is promising.

Blue Jasmine, Midnight in Paris, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Match Point…I think he hits the jackpot every two to four years, which is about the same rate he did back then.

Just don't remake Queen Of The Damned. That was shitty enough the first time around.

I think the first one was kind of a double-edged sword that knew it was schlocky but was also kind of a little bit sincere, which puts it near Troll 2 territory (I mean, the people making that one had to know it was schlock, it was about goblins turning people into vegetables…Ed Wood and Wiseau on the other hand, not

It's fluffy pop punk that wants to be some big political manifesto, but it's perception of politics is highschool-level shallow and dumb, like the 8th grader who wants to support transgender rights, collects money and sends it to Caitlyn Jenner.

Tell us more about the sex part.

The obvious answer is: The internet. If the AV club comment section had personal messaging, there would probably be a hell of a lot more serial killers.