
To kickstart your career, I suggest choosing between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. I recommend the latter, because if you murder him on the senate floor, no one will bother according to Lindsey Graham.

My body is ready.

Shows are graded against themselves.

Doesn't do anything for me, unfortunately. Drowned out production, flimsy melodies.

Fairuza Balk alone in a gondola in Venice, huh? That sounds pretty damn creepy. I probably would've been too scared to do anything.

So your little rants here basically amount to: "These darn famous and successful people! How can they dare to be so famous and successful? They have to pay for it not only with taxes but also with their privacy!"

No need to stop fame. Not accepting harassment is enough. What is so hard about treating a person - celebrity or not - in a civilized manner? Just walk on by Amy Schumer, dude. Leave your damn phone alone and keep on walking.

I was about to say that Leprechaun should be the next awful third-tier horror franchise that gets an unnecessary reboot…but then I found out that reboot already came out two years.

Well, fame is a by-product. She probably likes to have a big audience and the creative freedom and career choices that come with it (not to mention: the money). Understandable. She also likes to not being bothered by complete strangers with cell phones when she's not on stage or in front of a camera. Also

Yeah, like every famous person ever. You don't just "happen". You have supporters. Big deal. That still doesn't turn her into public domain.

Eh…no. I think most celebrities not named Kardashian don't do what they do for the fame. They just happened to choose or turned out good at a profession where fame is a by-product. That doesn't entitle everyone to take pictures of them whenever they want.

I've seen quite a few celebrities in my life and not once did I feel the need to snap a picture of them. Amy Schumer walking up to me and deciding to join me for a wild night of partying? Yeah, that's probably worth a picture or two. Amy Schumer walking past me on the streets? Definitely not a mind-blowing event that

Shia obviously wants to hook up, because he's tired of the mirror jerk offs.

Oh, what a lovely movie this election season will one day make, with the GOP imploding and having to choose between a reality TV clown who openly antagonizes the party and parodies all of the GOP's worst tendencies and a son of a bitch who's possibly satan and who the party officials would gladly see getting murdered.

He must be pissed that Independence Day and Halloween already are movies.

This article reads more like "here's a bunch of Beyonce songs" as opposed to "a road map of stylistic departures". I think stylistic departure is a must for any big popstar playing the A game and Beyonce never committed to ho-hum standard hitmaking but she wanted her hitmaking to be the freshest around, never

Schoolin Life is indeed great.

So the early 80s exploitation horror flick which Roger Ebert considered to contain nothing but "vile and depraved sadism" apparently isn't the most tasteless movie with this name.

Again: You've talked to her in person?

Same here. Always kinda liked her, but only when the self-titled album came out I finally got the feeling that there's a real person with real feelings there and not just a perfectly sculpted artificial character. Lemonade is another step up.