
I watched the orginal movie a while ago for the first time after indeed being traumatized by it 20 years or so ago. It wasn't that horrific and my Watership Down phobia is cured now. It's a great movie though. I also bought the book a while ago. I should read that one of these days.

Downvoted for dickishness.

That's good for her. But it makes me feel uncomfortable that people who previously dismissed her as pop trash suddenly care about her music because she came out as an abuse victim.

She doesn't count. They painted her green.

Oh god, don't remind of Narnia. Just don't.

I'm more concerned that even Tilda Swinton has been sucked into the Marvel machine by now.

But hey, they turned a male character into a female one. It's a rare case of "female-washing" (yes, that term exists now). Progress!

You could argue that none of the mentioned artists would dare to premiere their albums through an hour-long artful, rather abstract movie aired on HBO at prime time. I'd say that's a pretty impressive showcase of power and confidence. The sales may not match up but in terms of artistic bravado and the buzz she's able

I second that you should definitely watch the video, not only deepens it the album's content but a lot of the songs come across even more captivating than they already do on the album.

We are talking about people here who want to build a wall on the mexican border, who call syrian refugees "terrorist scum", who think Hillary Clinton is a "cunt" who deserves to be raped or who think transgender people are "perverts" who should be beat to death if they use the "wrong bathroom". Yes, I've heard or read

But, you know, statements like "latinos are rapists", "muslims are terrorists" or "homosexuals are perverted" aren't "arguments" and there's nothing to face substantively.

So you want intolerance to be tolerated.

There was a study a few years ago that proved that Fox News viewers are more ill-informed than people who don't watch/read news at all. If anything's wrong with the term "Faux News", it's the "News" part.

Hiring a sex worker is clearly the solution to cure the dad.

Comments like this always amuse me. Could it be that you found it "ridiculously boring" because you wanted it to be ridiculously boring? Because that's most often the case.

Poor guy.

Shut up and take my money.

If you seriously feel the need to harrass someone over this, how about you start with the cheater himself?

Damn you, Queen Bey! Now I subscribed to Tidal for nothing!

Damn you, Queen Bey! I vowed to never sign up to Tidal but you forced me with your HBO movie and by releasing the album of the year.