
Just when you think there aren't any more reasons to adore and worship Tom Hardy, it turns out that his father is called Chips.

Lawrence doesn't stand a chance against Larson.

Goddammit, SMG. Get yourself into some supporting role on a prestige drama but leave it alone with the leading role vehicles. You're 15 years past your prime. Nobody's going to build a compelling show around your presence. Look what happened now. You've signed on to a show that calls it's lead character "Bash".

So is it now safe to assume the remake and reboot craze of the movies has infected TV and money-grubbing producers will now turn all of our beloved TV shows of the past into shit?

Saw the first one recently and I don't know what all the fuzz is about. It was like a big budget version of power rangers - fun enough - but everything apart from the fights was trite and boring in it's dull earnestness.

But IT IS a horror movie. It's a story of a witch in the woods terrorizing a family and satan is in there. That's kind of the quintessential horror story.

I don't understand this stance. Every horror movie is marketed as the scariest one ever. The marketing people would do an awful job if they marketed a horror movie as "mildly scary and entertaining run off the mill horror experience at best" which is true for most theatrical mainstream horror releases. And the blurbs

Maybe it would be a start to stop expecting from horror movies to scare you, just like I'm not expecting from every comedy that it makes me laugh loudly all the way through. Sometimes a good comedy just makes me chuckle a few times but has an interesting story to tell nonetheless. Same with horror movies. When I'm

I refuse to listen to this as long as this guy hasn't checked into a mental insitution, however good it may be.

Seen it on saturday at the Berlin Film Festival. It's great. A Spielberg movie (think "Close Encounter" or even "ET") channeled into Nichols' melancholic, introspective trademark aesthetic. It may be his best movie yet, it's certainly his most touching. People around me were crying by the end, presumably parents.

A Tidal exclusive? So nobody will ever hear it?

Actually, Rocksteady is their best album, shedding all pretensions of rock credibility and delivering the pure, unadulterated pop bliss (Hella Good! Hey Baby! Underneath It All! Making Out! Detective! Don't Let Me Down! Platinum Blonde Life!) they were always meant to make.

It's enough, Kanye. The album isn't even out and I'm already fed up with his attention whoring, incoherent twitter rants and bizarre publicity stunts. This guy is a curious combination of megalomania and low self esteem - he thinks he's the best but he needs constant attention and his own weight in awards to prove it.

It sounds like the name of some white, Vanilla Ice-type rapper from the early 90s.

Why am I not surprised that Alexandra Daddario has a hot brother? Otherwise, fuck this shit.

Guys like Tired Of Being Single apparently walk through life delusional and the gay community is full of them. "We have a lot in common, really like each other and have great sex but he annoys me a little sometimes so I dump him and won't even talk about it with him" - that's the perfect recipe for being lonely for

Lobsters are cooked alive. They die in real agony before they end up on your plate. Just sayin'.

Is a bad grade justification enough to apparently spoil the whole thing? How about a spoiler space instead?

I'm playing "Where's Sasheer?" ever since. Can't remember if she ever did anything other than "inessential supporting character".

"Read This: An Oral History of Bernie Sanders' brief stint in the 70s porn industry"