
That movie was so hilariously bad, nothing made sense. Why doesn't god just switch off the light or something when he wants to wipe out humanity? Why does he have to follow silly rules like that he has to send his angels and they have to possess people to do stuff? Why is this extinction business such a grind for the

Long Gone Before Daylight is one of my favourite records ever. It's so soothing and cozy to sink into this deep but not too heavy melancholy.

That's nothing that a good therapist and a gym membership can't fix.

Well, now I don't know what makes me more uncomfortable, the thought that my 70-something year old catholic priest uncle a) has sex, b) masturbates or c) has hemorrhoids.

This is pretty fantastic. Alas, nothing from her is on spotify.

I guess you could use it on hemorrhoids and - while not exactly non-sex-related - he/she could also use it just for masturbating. But now I'm dying to know why he/she isn't supposed to have sex.

Still unsure about the album as a whole but Higher is the ultimate drunk texting jam and Close To You is the prettiest thing she's ever done.

Strange, low-energy album. You thought last year's singles weren't exactly Umbrella-type megahits? Then wait till you've listened to this.

It really is january, huh?

The Happening is a masterpiece compared to The Last Airbender, a $150M production where absolutely everything is mind-bocklingly incompetent and amateurish. Possibly the worst movie of the century so far. That was the actual point of no return for Shyamalan.

Hollywood played a big role in establishing racist, sexist and homophobic stereotypes all over the world. They also have the power to get rid of them again and should use it.

People fail to see that the oscars aren't the problem. They are just a symptom. The problem is the industry that fails to generate roles for actors of colour and not only roles, high profile jobs behind the camera as well. Same goes for women, latinos, asians, gays, transsexuals, disabled people. The default setting

There's a Mad Max backlash? Bullshit. This movie will live, die and live again!

Don't get the hate. Being bizarre, tone-deaf and annoying is her purpose. Not every character on a show has to be likeable or fascinating, especially not small recurring roles like this (though I admit that hacky scene where she rounds up that lynch mob was grating). I think Luke is the weakest link of the show.

So another remake that suggests americans are too stupid to accept a grueling downbeat ending.

The words "Oscar Isaac" and "masturbatory" in the same sentence feel very right.

So beautiful and talented and yet so humble and eloquent. Take all of me, Tom.

I don't see the relevance of this award in times of social media when everything to be said about some bad movie has been said months before this show comes around. the razzies feel tired and dated and they don't even award the worst movies, more like "kinda bad movies but high-profile enough to garner some attention

Add Making A Murderer to Unskippable.

This only confirms what the doc already did: That the prosecution had months and months of time working full-time on possibly the biggest case of their careers and they still weren't able to come up with a scenario that is even scientifically possible or remotely coherent. It's mind-boggling that they were convicted