
Last week's episode got a B.

I'm forced to watch more than enough perfume commercials during christmas time. I don't want to see a 2 hour long one in cinema.

I guess in this case it depends on her non-sexual qualities if you should see her again and try to find common fucking grounds.

So this Peanuts movie is worth checking out, I hear?

I do not understand why this movie has to be made (with or without Mariah Carey in whatever role).

Holy shit. I was almost 100% sure that the demo version of Realiti is better than what she came up with for the album. But now that the album version had time to sink in, I gotta say it's a big improvement on an already fantastic song. What a brilliant track, takes the enveloping melancholia of Visions and works it up

I didn't get what that last scene was supposed to mean. Was that blood seeping through the wall? And if so, does is matter? Or was a watcher (Ron or Spencer or whatever their names are) on top of the wall shot or otherwise inconvenienced and it's his blood? Really not sure what they were trying to foreshadow here.

The episode not being funny really was the main problem here, regardless of Trump who's presence may have added some layers of discomfort but it wasn't so bad that he made otherwise funny material unfunny. The material just wasn't funny in the first place. That laser harp thing was probably the pinnacle in this

It was much worse than usual and Trump wasn't even the reason for it. 90% of those sketches had no business to not being discarded immediately, let alone make it onto the show. I have no idea what they were thinking with some of those, especially since they had three weeks to come up with a good show and not just one

Oh yeah, he was in that awful presidency sketch but where was he in the music industry thing? Anyway, those two, the one with the bar band, the bit with Toots and the Maytals and the entirety of Weekend Update which felt like it was written by Trump himself were so awful and pointless and random it almost felt like

The cold open, the porn star thing, the Drake thing and maybe the Twitter sketch were passable. The rest was just awful and the saddest thing is it didn't even have much to do with Trump. Still not an F though, more like D or D- territory. Well, at least one cast member wasn't having any of it either: I can't remember

I don't know what all the fuzz is about. Was it uncomfortable to watch? Yes. Did it make Donald Trump look like the hateful, pompous, unelectable douche he is? Yes, it did. It basically reduced him to his two most defining "qualities": His limitless selflove and his passion for insulting people. That's hardly an


After several articles expressing outrage, is there even the slightest chance this will be reviewed with anything else but an F? Might as well publish it preemptively.

I have watched the video all the way through and I'm well aware of your passion, that's why I watched it all the way through and that's why I don't believe you when you say the song elements are all you hear, because you are far too passionate about music to reduce it to some strung together noises, but that is

Allow me to review your review: Like a lot of music critics you get too hung up on elements and references and engage too little with the actual content. We're living in a world of instant access. We don't need people to vaguely describe how things sound, because we can just take a listen ourselves. What we do need

This girl can do anything. Listen to California where she puts some washed out twang guitar over the beat of Rihanna's Pon De Replay and then sprinkles some John Carpenter synths, goofy girl group harmonies and some plain mechanical rattling over everything and that's just the first minute. Despite of all the weird

If you want the epitome of how mainstream pop currently sounds, the Ellie Goudling album is the album to listen to. It is incredibly competent state-of-the-art pop. It's also painfully generic and sacrifices any distinctive personality in the name of global hit making. In other words: It's the perfect album for

Gus is hot. I just thought I'd put that out there.

The envious living room objects who want the struggling writer to be jobless and miserable so that he stays at home and spends time with them.