
Oh come on, he's not going to be the republican nominee, let alone president. We know it, he knows it. The only people who don't know it are the crazy wackadoodles who consider voting for him. It's all a big clown act and the joke's on those lunatics. It'll end eventually, making room for some actual candidates (if

How about we pass judgement…you know…when we've actually seen the episode? And I thought everybody agrees by now that Donald Trump is a joke candidate or some sort of radical right-wing parody. I think even he himself thinks so. So what's the big deal? He's the most successful comedian of the year. He deserves his

No, but you can lose a lot and end up skinny but still flabby. Trust me, been there. It's terrible to still feel shapeless although you're a lot closer to underweight than overweight. It's the body fat percentage that counts and you lower that by losing the fat and keeping (or building) the muscle. It isn't a whole

You won't build a ton of muscle with a calorie deficit. That's not possible. You should guide your body to burn the fat and keep the muscles with some weight training and proteins. That's how you get the best results. Don't get too hung up on the scales. It's the look in the mirror and your physical feeling that

Good. Another thing: You should combine cardio and weight lifting. The former for the weightloss, the latter for keeping your muscles (which also burn fat). You want to lose fat and not just weight. Muscles form your body and you'll lose them if you don't use them and don't eat enough protein while having a calorie

Stay around 1500-1800 calories per day and cut out the carbs entirely. Carbs and sugars are the main reason for a lot of people's unhealthy relationship to food. They are addictive and they make you overeat. A 2 months phase without them can do wonders for weightloss and restoring one's relationship to food. Your body

Resurrect the wife and the story is over.

I planned on starting with this but keep forgetting about it. Now I just checked Ariana Grande's and Nick Jonas' death scenes as these are supposed to be the best and most memorable parts of this show, according to the reviewer. Well, if these are the best parts then even that trainwreck Scream the series is better.

I'm surprised this hasn't happened earlier. Those drums on Infinity Guitars are excellent.

That song also brought us Ke$ha for what it's worth.

I think it was as clear as this kind of fake death with fraudulent camera angle trickery can be. They clearly wanted the audience to buy into Glenn's death and weren't expecting that pretty much no one is convinced. If it were a traditional cliffhanger, they would've just ended it with Glenn falling into the walker

Hmm…it's not like they did this the first time. The first half of last season jumped around between different groups while almost every episode ended on some sort of cliffhanger that was answered several episodes later because they switched to another group for the next episode. Episode 3 ended with Daryl crawling out

There seems to be a Zodiac upsurge recently as I've heard many people finally admitting that it's Fincher's best movie. Fortunately, the test of time always sorts things out.

An A, really? It was alright, but in the end not a particularly distinctive take on a story we've seen a million times before, the teacher/student/redemption story. The script just went through the motions while director and actors tried their best to make it appear fresh and almost succeeded.

The real question is why a producer greenlights a movie with a terrible pitch like this that sounds like it has been made up on the spot.

But will this be all dark and gritty and complex and morally ambiguous and stuff as every post Dark Knight superhero thing has to be nowadays? I hope they go this route, because watching them try to turn this goofy trash into something profound would be hilarious.

Coming to a theater near you in 2030:
Aaron Brockovich
Handsome Man
Four Funerals And A Wedding
Indiana Jones' Diary
Wank And The City

This is all wrong. Of course she will play Paula Blart in the female reboot.

That's not what we mean with diversity, Hollywood.

This is good. But I still wish the A.V. Club music section were more than "watch us hand out As and Bs to our favourite musicians". Is this a great album for the ages? No, and that's why it doesn't deserve an A.