
This movie doesn't need a sequel and even if it did it's coming about ten years too late.

Two things come to mind. I'm a very hardened horror fan but I have a weakspot for lovecraftian stuff which tickles the fear of the truly unknown and even incomprehensible for the human mind, stories were the increasingly paranoid protagonists are at the mercy of some almighty, unstoppable, mostly unseen force/entity

Well, that was a whole lot of work for a mildly amusing joke, internet.

Don't listen to the people who say anything bad about it. They're full of shit.

George Washington is one of the best movies of the century.

What was his girlfriend doing while he allegedly groped Taylor Swift?

I'll check this out if "the friend" is Melissa McBride, because I'm longing for a Daryl and Carol spin off in which Daryl and Carol do Daryl and Carol things (mainly, being quiet and going berserk on whatever fucks with them). If I had that I could happily ignore the rest of The Walking Dead. Otherwise, no thanks.

Lawrence of Alabia? Sounds like this movie was written and produced by AV Club commenters.

Oh, I'm not saying she didn't have a successful career, commercially speaking. She definitely had. The point seems to be "milk that star power for what it's worth commercially" when I think it should (also) be milked artistically. An A list star who can have any role he or she wants and who also has the power to make

The only movie I can think of that is both explicit and warm is Blue is the Warmest Color

I think Sandra Bullock is a capable actress but she needs to fire her agent and she has to stop insisting that every movie she appears in has to be some sort of star vehicle for her because that's a surefire way to churn out bad and banal movies (see also: Will Smith). She's in the business for almost 30 years now,

The only board game I can think of that's an obvious choice for a movie adaptation is Clue but strangely nobody has attempted it yet.

Bones is still on?

I just spit out my tea onto my keyboard because of the headline. Thanks!

A suitable newswire for Horror's Week.

I don't even know what Becca's problem is (since she basically substitutes whining for actual points). "I didn't like the move" - fair enough. "it wasn't scary" - alright. But "it isn't even a horror movie"? That's just bullshit. It has zombies decapitating people which would make it horror even if it were played for

My parents weren't convinced that Watership Down isn't necessarily for children and the decision scarred me for life.

Considering which adaptations Stephen King tends to like (Under The Dome, Cujo, etc) it's safe to assume his taste in movies stinks.

I don't know. For me Bond has been a very vague character ever since, a blank slate to hang some spy stuff onto. Does he possess a personality apart from his "britishness"?

Angel is so so bland.