
I thought the swimming pool scene was perfect, because it's what teenagers do: Make up bonkers plans they laugh about when they're older. And it was a place connected to their childhood (it was mentioned they had their first kiss there) which is a recurring theme of the movie. The protagonist always looks for safety

Every movie is a reflection on the current zeitgeist, intentional or not, because it's a product of the maker's (and in the case of heavily commercial productions also the audience's) upbringing, cultural background, experience, current sensitivities and tastes which are inevitably a product of the zeitgeist. Movies

It Follows is not about sexual shame but about adulthood and the acceptance of mortality.

I think an american remake would only sanitize it and rob it of it's pitch-black, nightmarish power.

Entrance was a wonderfully melancholic experience with some very subtle (actually, a lot of it probably only works with headphones), but very creepy moments sprinkled throughout. Then that knockout finale. So far, the only horror/mumblecore that totally worked although I definitely understand that it isn't for

Naturally, I was inspired to make a list of my own and I couldn't restrain myself. I'm sorry.

Banshee Chapter was indeed very creepy but nowhere near the piece of art that is It Follows.

Anybody saw The Midnight Meat Train? Really good one. That other Clive Barker adaptation, Dread, wasn't bad either.

Two more movies that definitely need to be mentioned: I Saw The Devil and A Tale Of Two Sisters.

The mother made it? I thought that was pretty clear.

I think most people don't consider Black Swan and Sweeney Todd horror movies. One is a psychological thriller, the other, well, a musical.

It sounds like you haven't seen the original ending, just the botched american one.

It's one of the best looking bad movies I've ever seen, that's for sure, and it's effectively nightmarish in stretches. It just doesn't make a lick of sense although it constantly stops for boring explanations that make everything just more confusing. I always wondered if people who played the game understand what's

Because she finds peace. I'll never get why they left out that final scene in the american version. The escape scene is all about the realization that the whole carnage in the cave will leave her with another trauma that will haunt her for life. She then accepts her death and joins her daughter in the afterlife.

It doesn't factor in? The whole movie is about Sarah's struggle to overcome her inner demons and grief. She finds her will to live and inner peace by getting reborn in a pool of blood deep down in the caves. In fact, there are a lot of very convincing theories that she died in the hospital and the whole endeavour in

Because the ridiculous ending just ruins everything.

Also Halloween. The 70s had all the good stuff.

"We tricked you with camera angles!" is no storytelling at all, it's a deliberate, tacky deceit that doesn't earn the emotions it generates. It would be one thing if they ended the scene with the cliffhanger of Nicholas and Glenn falling off the dumpster into the walker crowd but making it look like Glenn is eaten

Then I guess Steven Yeun will appear as a ghost in the episodes 7 to 14, because he filmed them.

I so wish the writers had the guts to go through with Glenn's death just for the hell of it. Killing off a beloved major character at the beginning of a season, in the middle of an episode, with no big fanfare and with no one around to witness it would be spectacular in it's pointlessness and dickishness and a highly