
Well, ok, but technically Audition and Cure aren't from this century either. US release is an arbitrary criterion. Just stick to the IMDb listings.

Insidious, Sinister and Conjuring are generic, meaningless and artless. The kind of disposable horror movies that have become far too common, all jump scare theme park rides, no substance.

Is it too soon to call It Follows one of the great horror movies of the new millennium? Though it crept into theaters just a few months ago, David Robert Mitchell’s fledgling fright flick already feels like a classic of the genre, something we’ll be watching between fingers for years to come. Part of that is a

Nice list. Props for including relatively unknown gems like Trouble Every Day and Pulse (which should be higher but nevermind). Cure is the sole movie from the list I haven't seen and now I know what to do on Halloween.

Downvoted for cluelessness and dickishness.

A sentient blob of floating ectoplasm? So slimer finally got his own spin-off movie right in time for that Ghostbusters reboot?

This is all a bit vague, but let's give it a try: You almost ended up cheating on her means you didn't end up cheating on her, incestuous or not. So what's there to find out or get angry about? My guess is your behaviour towards your girlfriend has changed because of what happened and she changed accordingly. Maybe

How much money can you make by selling used undies? Any experience reports?

It's a bit irritating that a whole bunch of kiddie stars (Lovato, Selena Gomez, Nick Jonas, Ariana Grande, even the Biebs) release music that's more compelling than the stuff of A list popstars like Katy Perry, Rihanna, etc. who should feel responsible to deliver this kind of cutting edge mainstream pop. Is this what

The moral of all of the best TWD episodes: Don't fuck with Carol.

who is definitely an actual Australian citizen and not someone from our comments section running a Bart-like prank on the entire country

This is just stunning television. The only thing remotely comparable would be South Park at it's peak. You know, the episodes where the kids find a very "creative" solution for some very mundane problem, all hell breaks loose and every ill-fated rescue attempt leads to even more ever-escalating insanity (and brilliant

"Believe" is the worst song of all time and for all eternity. I can't believe this version somehow redeems it.

"major antagonist" with five lines of dialogue all season doing supposedly evil deeds that are almost exclusively talked about instead of shown (seriously, not even some bruises for blonde love interest?).

This one minute trailer is probably the crappiest thing I've seen all year and I've seen The Human Centipede III.

I remember Natalie Portman was attached to this ages ago, 5 years ago at least. They've downgraded the thing quite a bit since then apparently.

Just saw the season premiere. Prepare to be bored.

Why is the reviewer famous for hating single shot movies assigned to review a single shot movie? Most people don't share his hatred which renders his review useless.

Season 5 (and to a lesser extent season 4B) was actually an improvement of about 200% which still only puts the show into the B- category.

Good. Maybe they can also course-correct the whole story and actually make it about the possibility of an afterlife instead of people being haunted by ghosts and shit.