Amanda Day

I have to admit I'm baffled by this. Unless they built the house around the bed, that box spring was brought into the home and up to the bedroom without cutting and bending it, so why can't it go out the same way it came in?

Very good advice..

Nice advice. From a non christian perspective, I think drowning should have seen his pastor rather than posting online.

I’m not sure what kind of answer “Drowning” was looking for asking someone relationship advice who 1)does not share the same faith convictions or 2)ascribes to a “whatever feels good/works for you philosophy” or 3) isn’t even a doctor.

I think very few people are complaining because they don’t understand that it’s a joke. I think most people are complaining because it’s not a particularly good one.

Agreed. Might as well be like “HEY GUYS! WE PUT THE BENNY HILL MUSIC AT THE END OF EVERY MOVIE — DO YOU GET IT???” Not interesting. Not clever. Doesn’t work.

Ok. So you found it funny. Good for you. Want a gold star? Humor doesn’t have to be universal.

Ah no, i’m a fan of the original movies but i don’t see the humor in this. If the author does and you and a few others do then great, but everyone has to agree or see the same things as being funny. And i don’t find this unfunny because I take things too seriously, or that I’m not fun at party’s, it’s because it’s

I reject your culture and substitute my own.

Obviously not. What is the age that the author expects everyone in the world to be? I’m only 26.

This has to be the stupidest thing ever. These completely suck, I don’t know what you are talking about.

I have to wonder if people who think this is funny do so because it’s actually funny, or because they want to believe in the idea of it being funny, because it strikes me as kind of random.

Or maybe if you're high?

I don't think a single of these worked as well as their original endings.

I don’t get it. The song seems bad and doesn’t fit with any of these to me. Also I’ve never heard it before this post. Now guiles theme goes with everything is a classic.

TIL that some people take “spider bites” to mean anything other than an actual bite from an actual spider, but as a generic term for unexplained skin breaks.

That’s “piercing”??? She looks really relaxed compared to my everyday look (which has been called “fierce”).

It may have been a bad movie about technology, but it was a good movie, which puts it on a different footing from stuff like The Net. Or “Hackers.” <shudder>

But it’s a great movie, so who cares?

That's brilliant! Now if I can be sure to never get laid off, incur some massive medical debt, or have my identity stolen, I'll be golden...

It would be difficult for this comment to be any more smarmy or self-righteous. Must be hard to see all the little people from up on top of that high horse.