
Guess what? You’re the President now (wtf), this isn’t any of your concern!

I enjoyed La La Land, though I don’t think it lived up to my own expectations.

That being said, I feel like Moonlight is somewhat overrated (Ali and Harris were great, just wanted more of them), but WOW..Hidden Figures was incredible.

I generally don’t go for historical type pictures in case they’re too serious or dry,

I used to read Deadline at least a couple times a day until Nikki left.

I’m in the mood for destractions from Emperor Tangerine, so...bring it!
This is going to be delicious.

How is he allowed to just do this? Was Obama just not brash enough?

Sorry, it’s been ages since I studied civics, but in two days he seems like he’s wildly overreaching the power of the office.

Whoa! I did not know the crimes were similar. That is nasty business, thanks for filling me in.

I totally agree.

Thanks for the information, you make some excellent points.

I think part of what was confusing me is that I always assumed that many innocent people were affected even with soldiers. What I’m reading from the responses is that drones are much more destructive.

It looks like I was suckered by the smart bomb publicity, because I thought drones were supposed to be pinpoint

Thank you for the response, the ‘double tap’ sounds pretty terrible in particular.

And I can see why drones are more destructive to whatever region they are operating in, I just assumed (at least after this election) the majority of Americans didn’t care. And I think that’s actually the case, because they’d rather rain

I guess you didn’t read my comment?

Because if we send soldiers or drones, innocent people are going to die. I would rather we NOT be in any military conflicts, but my question was why drones make Obama terrible when sending 100,000 troops isn’t any great thing either.

Thanks, I think this also highlights the point that war in general is atrocious, but even when to intervene is looking like a ‘damned if you do’ situation.

I don’t quite understand why the drone usage is such an issue.

There was a big outcry to get “boots off the ground” when he came into office. Given that almost no one on the right would allow complete removal of military might (anywhere), wouldn’t drones be the only way to do that without more soldiers being stationed

I’m curious. Why is this given such a short sentence?

I don’t understand how we can have an election, find out another nation hacked/influenced the outcome of that election, and then the results stand??

The results should be invalidated, and there should be a do-over. I would think this if Hillary won too, allowing RUSSIA to hack us is frickin’ unacceptable.

This seems like a decent and fair conversation they were having?

The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.

The founding fathers also weren’t too hot on black people or women voting,

I’ve always thought my Dad was a pretty rational dude, but religion and the Bible came up.

This needs more stars, because I’m pretty sure that guy thinks every movie is “best ever”.